#also the LiS comment at the end is kinda a joke but the posts i keep getting recommended on this app have actually convinced me some of—
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can you explain why you dont believe the titanic switch conspiracy theory? didnt they find a propeller with "olympic" written on it amongst the wreckage?
i feel like the phrase "you just activated my trap card" applies here but i have also never watched yu-gi-oh so dont fully know the correct use of that. anyway whats the text limit on a tumblr post because i think i might hit it with this response.
before we begin (if you wanna join me on this fucking journey), ill just drop some useful sources on the topic:
olympic & titanic - an analysis of the robin gardiner conspiracy theory dissertation by mark chirnside in july 2006
titanic or olympic: which ship sank? by steve hall and bruce beveridge
olympic & titanic: the truth behind the conspiracy by steve hall and bruce beveridge
with that shipkeeping housekeeping out of the way, lets jump into it after the cut
so hands up, how many people knew that this theory originated in a book from 1995?
yeah, its a pretty modern theory considering titanic sank in 1912. the theory originated in the riddle of the titanic by robin gardiner and dan van der dat.

and the theory argues that the ships were switched and titanic (actually olympic) was deliberately sank as part of an insurance scam. now they didnt do this at all for shits and giggles. instead, the theory posits that the navy enquiry that followed the 1911 collision between hms hawke and olympic was biased which meant white star line couldnt recover the costs of repair from lloyds (the insurance company), and therefore, they wrote olmpic off as too damaged to be repaired, lied about the amount of damage, switched the ships and sank olympic disguised as titanic to recover some costs.
far-fetched? oh definitely and it gets worse, but ill leave that til later in this gargantuan response because its really fucking funny.
(seriously, i recommend you read til the end or just skip to the part where i start talking about the sinking itself because fam, gardiners theory gets wild )
according to van der dat, who is a dutch journalist and naval history writer with an incredibly dutch name, gardiner had wrote the manuscript after researching the titanic for however many years and sent it to his literary agent. this agent had previously worked with van der dat and so sent it to him to double-check the information by going back to the original sources. he then rewrote the book with line-by-line consultation with gardiner.
and would you like to hear a quote from van der dat regarding the theory? i think you would:
"the publishers were disillusioned when the theory did not stand up"
he also, in correspondence with titanic author and researcher paul lee, called it "bilge" which is a fun ship joke alongside calling the theory bullshit.
anyway, the publishers went ahead with the book anyway because fuck integrity, i guess... thats kinda harsh considering this first book (oh yeah, theres more) was praised for stellar research and for being balanced, and the final chapter of the book literally acknowledges that the wreck has titanics shipyard number (401) on it, hence disproving the theory.
in 1997, it was published in the us under the name the titanic conspiracy - cover-ups and mysteries of the worlds most famous sea disaster, and it sold like sliced bread in 1928 because 1997 was titanic fever, baby!
unsurprisingly, gardiner's following books (titanic: the ship that never sank? in 1998; the history of the white star line in 2001; the great titanic conspiracy in 2010) were a lot less well-received and were not co-authored by van der dat.
"but wait, kai!" you might shout if youre up to date with issues of the times from 1914, "what about raymond asquith's comments? he was junior counsel for the board of trade at the sinking inquiry!"
and i would say, what about it? the letter asquith wrote to the times was a sarcastic letter in response to a prior stance taken by the paper.
yes, he said "the architect, the owner, and the captain to repair their desperate fortunes by sinking the ship and sharing the insurance money" but said letter also included the phrase "manipulating dummy icebergs".
if were taking sarcastic or satirical responses outside of their original contexts as serious quotes, then i guess i need to cancel my dropout subscription since the company holds the opinion that oj simpson is innocent.
and while were here, that single deathbed confession from james fenton is not evidence of anything. his name is not on any crew lists or survivor lists, and not a single payment was ever claimed by a crewman called james fenton. he was not on board the titanic and his claims hold no water.
now, my go-to explanation as to why i dont believe the switch theory is that their insurance scam would have lost them money and they would know that it would have lost them money.
see, it cost white star (which was a subsidiary of the international mercantile marine) £1.5million/$7.5million to build titanic and they insured it by lloyds (you can check their records on their website) for £1million/$5million.
you dont have to be good at maths to see a problem here.
they didnt just not insure the rest; it was self-insured by imm's insurance fund, but that still means theyd have lost £500,000/$2.5million on the sunken ship.
this whole insurance thing was established by uh the united states senate inquiry report:
"the vessel fully equipped, cost £1,500,000 sterling, or about $7,500,000. at the time of the accident the vessel carried insurance of £1,000,000 sterling or about $5,000,000, the remaining risk being carried by the company's insurance fund."
oh and the £1,000,000 insurance was announced in the daily mirror on 16th april 1912
and the insurance scam seemingly thought up by someones whose first and only introduction to maths was golf isnt the only way white star would have lost money on this.
after the sinking, olympic was temporarily pulled from service to increase safety measures like adding more lifeboats. obviously, a logical move made by a company with a brand new, safer ship on their hands who were desperate for any money they can make.
white star also halted construction of britannic, titanics other sister ship, in order to alter the design and make it safer. this costs quite a bit of money and is, again, an odd choice for a company apparently desperate for money.
and hey, question for you guys: if you were alive in 1913 and needed to cross the atlantic, would you
a) choose the near identical sister ship of that ship that sank last year and was the deadliest sinking of a ship at that time
b) choose any other option such as the lusitania or the mauretania or the ss france or the ss imperator
personally id take my chances with option a, idk about you
yeah so the point im making here is that the sinking of the titanic was what the kids say
a marketing disaster
it was the loss of the newest flagship on its maiden fucking voyage and it had been touted as "practically unsinkable". maybe just maybe people wouldnt feel that comfortable getting on a white star line ship after that.
i dont have any figures for you because reading through a detailed account of white stars history just is not on my to-do list, but that doesnt even matter. what matters is that its clearly a massive risk and who the fuck is taking that risk?
as titanic author, senan molony states:
"one doesnt need to compare designs and count portholes - a moments serious consideration of the reputational risk involved - individually and collectively - is all that is required to end any entertainment of the notion"
anyway, you guys wanna compare designs and count portholes? yeah? okay, here we go!
may i present a non-exhaustive list of differences between the ships:
olympics wheelhouse was curved; titanics was flat
titanic was 4 inches longer
the porthole arrangements on shelter deck c were different
on b deck, olympic had a 1st class promenade; titanic had 2 private verandahs and suites (put a pin in this by the way, it comes back in the best of ways)
titanic had additional cabins on promenade deck a
olympics promenade was open all the way along; on titanic, the forward half of the 1st class promenade on a-deck was enclosed with retractable glass screens
on titanic, the forward bridge wings aft docking bridge on the stern extended over the ships side by a couple of feet; this would not be true for olympic until the 1912/13 refit
the officers deck house was pushed out more on titanic
the iron gates of the elevators were different between the ships and this is evident in the wreck itself
their propellers had different pitches and hence not interchangeable (pitch is a theoretical concept which is like the distance a propeller would move if it turned once through something solid, yeah i dont know either)
the wireless cabin had an outside window on olympic, but not titanic
further, it was placed on the port side of the officers deck house on olympic but amidship on titanic
they had different air vent arrangements around the funnels
white star line cut the ships names into the shell-plating at the bow and stern, four feet high and a ½ inch deep
now, please, close your eyes, take a deep breath and consider how much money it would cost to switch just the list above. now compare all of that to the -£500,000/$2.5million youre losing in the insurance scam.
truly, a spend less on candles situation.
and while we're here, shall we quickly talk about how much hush money white star would be paying to silence everyone about this since its apparently an illegal insurance scam.
not to make another non-exhaustive list but heres just who i can think of that youd have to silence:
the 15,000 workers employed directly by the shipyard
the 20,000+ workers in support services or sub contractors
any permanent or casual staff at the belfast dock and harbour comission
all of the officers and crew who came directly from olympic onto titanic such as the captain or stewardess violet jessop (puppet history fans rise up) who interestingly remarked on how improved titanic was compared to olympic
any staff at white star, imm and harland & wolff (where she was built) who would be in the know such as designers
passengers who had previously sailed on olympic who then sailed on titanic
just like anyone in belfast who walked past while the ships were docked together
olympics wreckers: thomas wards & sons who kept huge loose-leaf ledgers for each ships. the one for olympic was 72 pages long and funnily enough olympics yard number and builders I'd frequently appear in it, as seen below
bob ballard who was the one who found titanic. hes known as a very honest man and didnt even claim salvage rights on titanic because he assumed everyone else would also recognise it was a gravesite. he also said "i think it is the titanic at the bottom of the ocean"
every other explorer or researcher like james fucking cameron or us navy consultant and titanic wreck explorer, parks stephenson
its been estimated likely over 60,000 people were involved in just the building of titanic. this was ⅕ of belfasts population and ⅓ of the working population. heres a photo of them leaving olympic at the end of the day
now maybe im just a fool, but that looks like a lot of people you need to silence, and unless white star were blackmailing them or idk fucking killing them i guess, thats a lot of hush money just in the photo above.
i mean, theres also the claim, from noted liar james fenton, that the surviving crew were forced to sign the official secrets act of 1911, but that act was about espionage that benefits the enemy military so im not sure how this is relevant to the switch, and also, again, the guy was never on the ship.
are you perhaps starting to get the picture as to why i dont believe the conspiracy theory because im still going.
okay so as established, if the ships were switched, there would have clearly been a lot of work that would need to be done to switch the ships.
and i only mentioned some of the structural differences, i didnt get into the aesthetic differences like the floor tiles and carpeting being different colours, or how the lounge furniture in each ship having the ship name on them.
mind you, this is what titanic looked like (in the foreground) when olympic was first docked next to her:
this was taken around october 11. olympic docked next to titanic on october 7th for repairs after that whole catastrophic collision.
now how much time do you think it was before olympic sailed away? mind you, titanic has already been launched at this point and just needs to be fitted-out, and that normally takes around 4 to 6 months?
oh, what was that? 44 days? why, kid, youre going somewhere. it was 44 days exactly!
now, i dont think i need to get into the fact that the dock only had 1 crane (which you needed to install and uninstall funnels and machinery) that physically couldnt reach olympic unless she was moved or how olympic was painted white for her launch and then painted black and that the white paint would get exposed in rough weather so the same would have to be applied to titanic so it would look convincingly like olympic.
i mean, you have that information now, but im hoping just by the words "44 days", you might get how off the wall insane it is to suggest white star was able to switch the ships so well no one noticed for decades in 44 fucking days.
"wait kai, youre forgetting that they were docked together again!" you shout, "after olympic threw a propeller, they were docked together from march 1st to march 7th 1912"
and i dont know dude, im pretty sure white star cant warp space time so i really dont know what eight extra days is gonna do.
i hate to strawman but man, the late robin gardiner would have won a gold medal in scarecrow hide and seek.
lets also take a quick detour into the idea that olympics repairs were so expensive.
without getting into gardiners claims about the damage because theres no evidence of it and as mark chirnside states "there are no credible sources indicating that the damage to olympic was worse than reported at the time - and indeed ample sworn expert testimony to the contrary", lets just quickly go over some financial stuff.
during the case, it was unofficially estimated that the damage didnt exceed $125,000. imm, by including lost passenger receipts, wanted to claim for as high as $750,000, but they lost that case.
during the year 1911, imms surplus profit was $822,062. so weve got:
750,000 < 822,062
now as we might remember from key stage 1 maths, the bigger number wants to eat the smaller number, aka, their surplus profit covered the costs of repair.
aka, no ill-advised insurance scam needed.
"thousands of people in belfast would have seen the switch operation - and yet there is not one word in the papers of reporters or photographers rushing out to find out what was happening."
-dr paul lee
so this is the section where i ask how did no one fucking notice?
no one on titanic, who had previously sailed on olympic, ever said anything about the switch other than one guy who was literally not on the ship at any point.
no one who has ever explored the wreck or done research on it has definitively stated it was olympic. rather, they have definitively stated otherwise.
for example, what remains of the base on the wheelhouse shows it to be straight and not curved, and as you might remember: titanics wheelhouse was heterosexual straight and olympics was curved.
(id be impressed if you did remember)
also, as parks stephenson has stated:
"weve got actual high def images of this wreck. ive seen with my own eyes. weve identified the name titanic on the port bow"
its difficult to make out but its there; the name is on the fucking ship.
also, as you might remember, titanics b-deck was different to olympics. the 2 suites there were nicknamed the "millionaire suites" and jim cameron has used rovs to go inside of them.
funnily enough, robin gardiner has gone on the record saying that these suites didnt exist so make of that what you will.
and further, no one noticed anything about olympic even though she sailed for 24 more years. theres no written record of anything, theres nothing in the board of trade reports, theres no photographic proof and theres not even fucking hearsay.
she served as a damn troopship in ww1, youd figure someone would figure it out as all of her fittings were ripped out.
but no, theres nothing.
as i mentioned above, olympic was scrapped in 1935, but some of her fittings were auctioned off and still exist today. and these have the number 400 on them because that was her shipyard number. titanics was 401 and the wreck reflects this also:

the wooden parts are from olympic; the other has been salvaged from titanics wreck.
theres even the famous myth that olympic or olympus as one person told me is written on the propeller at the bottom of the ocean. its not, but you can see the number 401 written on it:
and while were disproving myths about the name olympic being on the titanic, the story about olympic being engraved on titanics lifeboats is also false:
theres no written testimony, no sketches and no photographs of this.
white star didnt engrave names onto lifeboats, the names were on metal plates that were screwed on
do you really think they did all of this work but just didnt fucking swap the lifeboats? if theyre this stupid, how did it take until 1995 for someone to figure it out?
we can also discuss the stupid olympic room thing while were here. see theres a maritime superstition that changing the name on a ship is bad luck and obviously, if youre swapping the ships, youre changing the names.
so to... get around this? cheat luck? outsmart superstition? i dont fucking know, to take a detour to avoid this, white star named a room "the olympic room."
i cannot find any evidence at all that this room ever existed. its not in the design plans or the blueprints, and no passenger or crew has ever said it existed, so im pretty sure the room just didnt exist.
and even if it did exist, titanic was in the olympic class of ships. thats what olympic, titanic and britannic were. its not weird to have an olympic room on an olympic class ship. i mean it is weird in this case since the room didnt exist, but you get my point.
and heres some quickfire myths and falsehoods
the myth about the 14 vs 16 bow portholes is also a false. yes, titanic had 14 portholes on launch but an extra 2 were added before her maiden voyage so yes, the ship photographed departing southampton with 16 bow portholes is the titanic, and do you really think it would take 83 years to figure this out if it was this easy?
similarly, titanic did have evenly spaced b-deck windows on launch, but then the extra verandahs and suites were added so the window configuration was altered, so that photograph is off the titanic.
the idea that titanic had a 2 degree list to port like the olympic before her is evidence of the switch theory is, to borrow a word from dan van der dat, bilge. plenty of ships at the time and now have minor lists. the one on titanic was only recorded by 2 passengers and we know that the list was related to coal consumption. it means nothing.
jp morgan (owner of imm) did not cancel last minute. as mark baber points out on encyclopedia titanica, it was announced in the new york times that hed be in venice on april 23. at that time, transatlantic voyages took at least 5 days so it would at least be a 10 day round trip and likely not give him time to get to venice for the opening of a store of whatever it was.
also, j bruce ismays wife and kids also didnt cancel last minute. theyd already decided to go on holiday to wales rather than sail on titanic.
addendum to that point: if ismay knew it was going to be sank deliberately and so warned his wife, why would he get on board himself? further, why would harland and wolff designer thomas andrews (who did not survive by the way) get on board?
and we're finally at my favourite part of this entire mess: the sinking itself.
see, a deliberate sinking doesnt really make sense for titanic because the conditions under which she sank has led to the descriptor "freak sinking."
these are: a new moon meaning less light, unusually calm ocean that disallowed lookouts to watch for foam as waves hit any icebergs, ice having drifted further south than normal for that time of year, and a sideways glancing blow that breached more watertight compartments than the ship could handle and stay afloat.
and idk dude, is there not an easier way? like maybe some light arson. just call it an accidental fire that got out of control and led to the ship being a write-off, this isnt difficult.
but you see gardiner has an answer to this, and i am laughing as im typing this, he claims that:
titanic didnt hit an iceberg, it hit an imm rescue ship.
thats right, this guy fully says titanic didnt hit an iceberg. apparently it hit another ship and NO ONE FUCKING NOTICED
i mean we have testimony from survivors but fuck them i guess.
he claims that as titanic was apparently a "steel double-hulled vessel" so an iceberg simply couldnt inflict so much damage.
yeah titanic wasnt double-hulled. she had a double bottom, but it was only after titanic that shipbuilders were like ah maybe full double hulls arent an unnecessary expense after all.
theres also the issue of uh no evidence of this rescue ship ever existing? at all? i dont know where it came from, i dont know where it went, and who fucking knows, maybe it was called the rms cotton eyed joe.
yeah so weve got a theory riddled with problems and im just gonna introduce some more problems with this theory as gardiner has also alleged that:
the original plan was to open the seacocks and slowly flood the ship, but this was interrupted by titanic hitting another ship
1) titanic didnt have seacocks? and 2) was the rest of it a coincidence then? i think its meant to be a coincidence.
i believe his theory is alleging that the crew on titanic would open the seacocks that didnt exist to flood the ship slowly, and that the imm rescue ship that also didnt exist was in the area in advance to help evacuate passengers, alongside other ships such as the ss californian.
this is that ship that was like 10 miles away or something and didnt respond to titanics distress signals. according to gardiner, they were expecting a rendezvous with titanic according to the "original plan", but never received it.
instead, they saw the rockets of the fabled imm rescue ship and helped them instead.
this is fucking stupid.
i cant be charitable here, its a fucking stupid theory. i mean, that imm ship did not exist, and also californian is a ridiculous choice for a rescue ship. her capacity was 47 passengers and 55 crew; there were more than 2200 people on board titanic.
to counteract this argument, gardiner alleges carpathia was also in on the scheme as a rescue ship. she, at least, had capacity for the passengers, but theres also several problems with this too.
for one, it was fucking 50 miles away and famously arrived several hours after the sinking even though the captain had her running at top speed to get there.
for two, carpathia was owned by cunard, white stars rival. was their rival line in on the insurance scam??? how much money did they have to pay cunard for this????? why? just why?
do you understand why i dont believe it? please tell me you understand. i need you to understand. i need you to tell me that you understand that the guy who created this conspiracy claimed titanic didnt hit an iceberg.
#anon#this was a wild ride to write#i fully made notes and a structure plan#if im gonna answer why i dont believe in this theory I Am Going To Answer It#titanic#rms titanic#olympic#rms olympic#white star line#international mercantile marine#idk what to tag?#titanic switch theory#robin gardiner#conspiracy theory#yeah idk what the fuck to tag this as#james cameron#i mention him a few times#how many words is this? im writing it on mobile so it would be an effort to figure it out#but it feels like ive written my dissertation again but much better than the first time around#shipposting
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ok @morporkian-cryptid tagged me to do this fic author interview so here we go...
if you would like to do this, i am officially tagging you, yes you, right now. tag me back so i can see your answers
1 How many works do you have on AO3?
i got 40
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
sorry like none of these are lupin iii. a blight on my lupin iii blog
Wabisabi (991 kudos) - Spirited Away. idk it's short and cute, read it
BONES OF BLACK MARROW (952 kudos) - Homestuck. the infamous cyoa cannibalism sex fic. scrolling through the things people say about it in the bookmarks is always so funny
Cum mortuis in lingua mortua (925 kudos) - Homestuck. no clue why it has so many kudos lol it was like the first long thing i've ever wrote (a whole decade ago??? jesus). it's a d&d/discworld joke
Vanitas vanitatum (914 kudos) - Homestuck. the same d&d/discworld joke except the LI is turbo depressed. notable for being the only fic i ever outlined and edited and that's why it whips
Supermassive Retinol Overdose! (677 kudos) - hey look, a lupin fic made it on here!
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i do when i have something meaningful to say besides "thank you!" i don't have a lot of thoughts about my own work so therefore i tend to not respond if there's not a direct question :( my head is empty. i always respond to every single comment on the last chapter of longfics though because i'm always impressed people read that far lol. genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for reading all that
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
idk uhhhh i wrote a series once where two of the main couples break up at the end, but it wasn't really angsty
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
they all end pretty happily
7. Do you write crossovers?
if i did it was so long ago i don't remember it
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
no but people used to send passive aggressive hate about my art in fics once in a while. hasn't happened in like 2+ years
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yes. every kind. EVERY KIND
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
a bot will sometimes scrape my high kudos homestuck fics and plant them on a junk ebook site
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yeah i think like 7 of them got translated into russian and do numbers on ficbook.net
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
in the past me and my friend would sit around a laptop and scream laugh write our way through crack fics
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
right now it's jiglup and fujilup
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
i finish almost all my WIPs because i'm a freak. if i don't finish a WIP it's because some dramatic life event happened. this has only occurred two times
15. What are your writing strengths?
im a funny binch
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
i don't outline or edit or re-read any of my fanfic. i just type it and then eyeball it for typos and then post it. i COULD outline and such to really make the narrative nice and tight, but i don't find it very fun to do (for fanfic) and this is like, my relaxing wind down hobby. i just wanna have fun haha. the only reason my fics like, make sense, is because i write at least one ending scene first thing and always aim for that, and also i write out of order so i kinda know the route of the story
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
it's fine if it makes sense to do it there as a narrative device
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
h-hetalia crack fic.....
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
once i figure out how to draw zenigata it's over for you bitches. luzeni hours on da clock
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
for lupin iii fic, i like Lightkeepers the best
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Can you talk more about George's dissociation episodes? Has he talked to the media or some of the drivers about it and that's what Max was referring to in the Hungary GP (I think it was Hungary).
thanks for asking :D
tw: depression/dissociation
i think the drivers in general know that Something was up last 2026, because george isnt as energized or jovial as he used to be— or at least if he is, he tends to space out more often in between conversations more than usual.
i don't really think some drivers are uh. equipped to kind of discuss this well, because i mean it's part of the whole machismo schtick they have on, and i was kinda inspired by coral @interlvgos 's tp!lewis au where george starts kind of losing his grip on reality when things get particularly rough. max in their au commented something similar, and i also know in their au, sometimes, george doesn't even Remember what happens in between winning and going home.
i'm still trying to figure out what were the worst moments of 2026 that leads everyone to know something is up. i feel like near the end of the year, he crashes into max in a similar way, and while he wasn't physically injured, i think he was spacing out enough that he couldn't respond to his radio or get out of his car on his own. (ive decided he cried to lily. alex is there but he doesnt rlly know what to do.)
i do have a snippet from my old fic about this! here you go:
He finishes the Belgian GP with an expected gold trophy. He smiles, claps, then sprays the others with champagne. He says the same things he always says at post-race conferences. The car is great, he would say. We've improved with our strategies, he would add. The most interesting thing he'd do is see how many times he can juggle his microphone back and forth, back and forth. He goes to his interviews and also says the same damn thing.
In the garage, he thanks his team for another race well done. He congratulates Mick for the P2. Routine, routine. Toto compliments his win and George smiles and replies that, of course. He knows the Spa-Francorchamps circuit like the back of his hand.
Toto looks at him funny. "We're in Hungary, George," he says, quirking an eyebrow.
George blinks. "Oh," he says, "wonder how that slipped from my mind."
He means it. He really doesn't know why he thought they were in Belgium. He's been thinking they were in Belgium since the podium, which is ridiculous, because he might've seen the Hungarian flag somewhere nearby.
Toto looks at him even more suspiciously. George thinks he's going to berate him for acting too complacent. Instead, Toto replies, "You seem tired."
George can't argue with that. "Yeah, I know," George says. He suddenly feels sick. The same kind of rotten, sickly feeling he gets when he's not at work, body unable to move normally without tight schedules and high adrenaline from racing.
He does his very best to calm it with a smile.
"Have you talked to your psychiatrist?" Toto asks quietly, placing a stern hand on George's shoulder.
"Yeah," he lies. "It's a mess. If I run away tomorrow and live in, I don't know, some remote island in Asia, don't be surprised."
He says it as a joke, but Toto doesn't laugh. Thin-lipped, he squeezes George's shoulders twice. He opens his mouth to say something but immediately cans it, leaving George to talk to some nearby engineers.
When George is approached by Cara later, she says Toto advised her to book George an appointment with his psychiatrist. Not soon after, he gets diagnosed with depression.
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Based on the last post, it looks like you have a pretty mixed feeling about how they write Nichelle.
What’s your opinion on Nichelle this season overall?
gonna ramble again. per usual lol. but tldr: yes, my feelings are mixed lol.
overall, s2 nichelle was... hm.
i can't really comment about the canon writing we have of her because we didn't get much outside the whole "take that hollywood!" shtick. it's not lazy writing at all; it's just surface level. but that happens when a character isn't the main focus. as disappointed as i am about that, i also get it. the cast is much too big and the episode time slots are much too tiny to give every character some depth. nichelle got one of the shortest ends of the stick for both seasons.
on one hand, i would have loved to see more about her this season. one of my biggest issues is her training off screen. i get that that's the point—it shows nichelle's desperation to be the action star she previously lied about being in order to secure her spot back in hollywood—but at the same time, because it was off screen, we (the audience) didn't see that growth. also, she only seems to grow physically. mentally, she's still very cocky and not so much of a friend to a lot of the contestants. so when she's doing cool stunts and taunting hollywood over and over without building any emotional bonds with any of the other campers, it gets stale. so of course she leaves pre-merge. what else was she gonna do, flip and curse out hollywood some more? they could only pull that joke so many times (and even then, they kinda pulled it too much).
on the other hand, i kind of like looking into implications that come with nichelle's character after this season in particular. like wow. she's kind of... bad at making friends? i'm going on a whim here when i say that she probably never had friends before, so she has no clue how to go about it. look at the lack of reaction from her teammates when she quits in ep 5. they really didn't care much, because while she was a great asset to the team in challenges, she didn't bond much with any of them, so why would they get upset at her being eliminated?:

and it's also a bit sad thinking about nichelle as a whole. she trained for months in kung-fu, parkour, and gymnastics, just so she could get a slim chance of fame again, even though she also tried her best to not admit that while also pretending she did it more for herself than anyone else. it's almost like she doesn't know who she could be except a big actress from hollywood, because that's what she's probably used to being. when you take all that + her vow to not quit last season + her quitting this season after getting tricked by julia... it makes me feel for her, i guess. she's a product of hollywood and it's devastating to think about 🥲
i don't know. i just find her very interesting still, even more so after this season, so i can come up with a lot of potential substance for her character. then again, i'm also upset we didn't get much about her canonically due to all the off-screen growth she went through. so, yeah. mixed feelings for sure lol.
#she's still my fav tho! always will be! hashtag i'm her metaphorical cousin!#i could truly talk about nichelle all day LOL#ask quackle#hhytheking#td spoilers
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Dream SMP fandom etiquette
So. This post is probably too little, too late, considering the fandom and the issues I'm about to talk about have existed for so long now, and a lot of the people who need to hear this probably aren't on tumblr anyways, but I just wanted to dedicate a quick post to talk about fandom etiquette. Mostly pertaining to discourse, and interactions with people outside of our circle. These are just going to be my own personal thoughts, of course, but I felt it could be good to bring some of this to attention. So without further introduction:
Where to (not) talk about discourse:
Don't go into other streamer's vods to only focus about a different character. If you want to analyse, for example, c!Techno, do it in Techno's stream. Don't go into unrelated streams, like Tommy's, Tubbo's etc. to do it, even if they were a part of the event in question. This is, of course, with the exception if the character in question didn't stream their own pov. But otherwise, stay in your own space. This is to prevent cluttering a streamer's comments about unrelated discussion. To give further example: Tubbo's vod comments should primarily focus on Tubbo's character. Not Tommy's, Ranboo's, Techno's or whoever else's.
Don't start discourse in the comments of animatics. Seriously, stop that. Animatics aren't discussion boards. The comments are there to analyse and appreciate the video presented, not argue. It's especially rude if you pick a small detail, that wasn't even the focus of the animatic, or even a completely unrelated issue to rant out your frustrations about. To give examples: starting disc discourse in an animatic of Tommy talking to Wilbur, or rambling about how tragic Techno's character is in an animatic focused on clingy duo, etc.
This applies to fan songs as well.
Video essays are the exception to these rules. I think it's safe to say they're the place to bring your hot takes, if you really feel so inclined to argue in youtube comment sections (Though I'd personally advise to still keep the topic relevant).
Keep negativity out of fanfic comments. This isn't nearly as big of an issue as the last points, but I've seen it happen a couple times, so I'm deciding to mention it. Fanfics are written for fun. Even if you disagree with the characterisation or something else, unless the author is clear in accepting critique, keep criticism to yourself. And definitely don't rant about how you dislike a character unrelated to the fanfic. Sharing your thoughts on the fanfic itself is of course fine and welcomed, but when it turns from discussing the author's story to talking about how you dislike a character in canon, that's when it crosses a line. Example: comment talking about what you don't like about c!Tommy on a Bench Trio fanfiction.
When commenting on art, keep the feedback positive. Even if you dislike any presented character, keep that to yourself. Example: Don't say things like "I hate x character, but this art is good". You might think the author would feel honoured, but it's actually just hurtful.
How to deal with discourse:
This is gonna be a shorter section, because I think we all chose to do it in different ways, and that's valid. Also, it's just that I, myself, am still learning how to do this well, but I thought it could be good to try to lay it out anyways.
Try to scroll past takes you disagree with instead of arguing if you don't think you'd be able to keep your cool. Noone likes a random person yelling at them through a screen, and if you rant, you'll get an equally frustrated reply back, and noone will be happy. Either explain your point in a calm manner, or scroll past/ unfollow/block.
On the keeping cool thing, remember to just step away. Take a deep breath and calm yourself down before proceeding. To minimize the frustration you feel on a daily basis, filter tags, block people, avoid videos and youtube comment sections that you know will upset you, and leave certain internet spaces if you find yourself unable to escape negativity even with all those steps. Remember: in the end, it's all a game played by friends, a story, and your enjoyment of it lies in what you take from it. Abandon what makes you unhappy. Marie Kondo your fandom experience.
Also, here's your reminder, to whom this is relevant, to take care of yourself. Hydrate, eat, sleep, clean up, get fresh air, remember the things outside of all this. There's plenty to do outside of this fandom, and what you can do here can wait. There is no pressure, or obligation. Not for the content you create, not for the discussions you bring, not for responding to discourse, not for anything. Fandom is meant purely for fun, so take care <3
Interacting with people outside of the fandom:
This is something that I've seen a bit of talk about, and I thought I'd drop in my own thoughts on this as well. No matter the differences, we're all just trying to vibe, and I think these are important things to keep in mind to leave both sides better off:
Don't interact with hate posts. Just don't. You don't want to see them, they don't want to see you. Even if your response is lighthearted, their animosity is not. They will feel frustrated regardless, and the grudge will only grow. And if they're being agressive, calm discussion most likely won't happen even if you're being polite. Just leave it, please.
Correct misinformation calmly. I completely get how it can be frustrating to see blatant lies and all, but with our reputation, people will not listen if you're being antagonistic. Provide sources, explain, and leave it at that.
Don't be hateful, send death threats, or assume privilege or whatever else. That's stepping into the same shoes of the people you hate. Misunderstandings go both ways, and the fact of the matter is, I think most people who dislike DSMP, even the ones who are agressive about it, don't have their stance rooted in maliciousness. To expand on why the situation became what it is today, taken from a discussion on discord:
I think it's just a combination of Dream growing so insanely quickly + how internet spaces have changed over the years. When ccs like jackstepticeye or pewdiepie etc. grew popular, activism wasn't as prevalent and held to such importance. Now it's thankfully more talked about, but that also leads to Dream being more scrutinized in comparision. Add twitter trends and the general prevalence of the fandom, and you've got everyone feeling tired and frustrated and paranoid. People also tend not to fact check stuff, especially when it comes to celebrities and stuff they're not really interested in, so rumors spread fast.
And actually, I think there's absolutely valid reasons to be made uncomfortable by Dream SMP, either in it's creators, content or fandom, and there is, of course, stuff to criticise in general. The problem is the hate and misinformation and overexposure, but we are not going to solve any of that by being aggressive in return.
(This is, by the way, not talking about more serious cases. Like doxxing, or leaving gore images in hashtags, or similar instances. That's a whole different complicated issue that I don't feel qualified to tackle.)
And finally, don't overwhelm outsiders who merely mention the Dream SMP. Don't send asks asking them to watch it, don't write paragraphs explaining the lore, don't confuse them with inside jokes, just... Don't jump on people like that. Unless they're explicitly clear in wanting interaction and getting into the fandom, that kind of thing will just drive them away. This is in no way exclusive to the Dream SMP fandom, pretty much every fandom has people enthiastic to have more people involved, but since there are so unbelievably many of us, it's especially easy to go overboard with this stuff. Just... be polite, and don't pressure anyone. Be nice, please.
So.... ya! This would be it for this one, I think. Sorry that it's kinda long, thank you if you read it at all. Hope y'all have pleasant days ^^
#dream smp#mcyt#fandom#fandom etiquette#fandom critical#tommyinnit#technoblade#tubbo#dreamwastaken#let me know if i should remove tjose tags - i'm not sure whether it counts as crosstagging or not sorry#long post#my own post
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Handling cultural differences with Yondu Udonta would include...
Okay, so I lied... I won’t finish Rampage before posting Michael Rooker content... I just had ideas that needed to be realized. Also, I’ve finally replied to a bunch of your lovely comments! I apologize for not doing so before - I kept putting it off (and I couldn’t figure out how bc I’m dumb like that). I’d also like to say that one or two of these were loosely��inspired by Vital, a Yondu fanfic written by the one and only @loveisyondublue! Please check it out if you haven’t - you’re in for a treat!
I did not reference race, gender, sexuality, or physical appearance. If I missed something, please let me know so I can change it!
- Literature and media is present in many alien cultures, so the concept of what a movie or book is is not completely lost on Yondu (there’s also Peter to thank). The problem is that it’s super rare to find any from Terra. The stuff you do find, you either don’t have the right equipment to watch it on or it’s in another language...
- Alien music is kinda fun, but kinda dangerous too. You have to be careful if there’s a live performance somewhere because some vocal frequencies - while fine for others - are painful for Terrans. You once were at a bar with Yondu and there was a live performance. Halfway through the third set, Yondu freaked. You had started to bleed out of your ears, but hadn’t noticed. You ended up being fine, but Yondu has never been the same since.
- You do tell Yondu and the Guardians (and anyone interested) about different Terran things. He likes anything that has to do with treasure and jokes about planning a trip to Terra to see if he can snatch anything. He also likes any and all fun facts that you have. They’re weird and he might not fully understand them, but he likes it all the same.
- He also enjoys learning about Terran history. Great wars, diasporas, coups, ancient civilizations and anything else you can remember are all interesting to him. He’s found that there’s a lot more to Terra than he’d originally thought.
- Of course, you stopped talking about mystical creatures and the like after he looked at you like you were crazy. Vampires? Turns out there’s a planet full of them less than a galaxy away. Phoenixes? There was one at the auction house on the planet you were just on. Zombies? There’s one coming straight at you! Okay, maybe not the last one, but after he started pointing these things out, you stopped bothering. It was too much for your heart to handle.
- He can’t handle spicy food. At all. You found some Terran spices once and tried to replicate a dish that you really liked. It came out pretty good, so you shared some with Yondu. To say he was unhappy with you would be an understatement, but it didn’t last long (sulking meant he couldn’t get any kisses).
- Terran food in general is just weird to him so you don’t bother explaining it - unless you (miraculously) find something that you recognize.
- Ravagers are not exactly known for their cleanliness and hygiene. Yondu’s disregard for his personal upkeep is something you were actively trying to fix, but you stopped given the circumstances: showers are kept to a minimum out of the need to preserve resources, Terran-safe toothpaste is even more expensive than the normal kinds (which you learned have acids that burn your gums the hard way), toilet paper is a luxury... So you find yourself adapting instead. It’s uncomfortable, but you manage to make do with what you got.
- Yondu thinks it’s funny that you call ships ‘vehicles’. The first time you slipped up by saying you had left something in the car, he was so confused. When you explained to him what a car was, he was even more confused. Cue an hour long conversation on the different modes of transportation available on Terra. He’s both impressed and amused (repeatedly muttered ‘yacht’ under his breath throughout the rest of the day, making himself giggle).
- You think politics on Earth are complicated? Space politics is so confusing, it’s scary. You have no idea how Yondu keeps tabs on all the goings on. How does he keep track? When did he have the time to read the ‘morning paper’? Does he not get all the names confused? You really do try to understand, but it makes you wanna cry out of frustration.
- The two of you have a long conversation on what respect means. His definition is based on fear and leadership, which is very different from yours. It’s hard for you to adapt and it’s hard for him to understand, but the two of you are getting somewhere. Once you managed to find the balance between work and your relationship, things got a lot smoother.
- His concept of what counts as cheating is also different than yours. He hasn’t really been in many relationships, so he doesn’t get it. He also hasn’t learned that going to fellow ravagers for love advice isn’t the best idea. He claims they hadn’t done him wrong yet, but fails to realize less than a quarter of them have ever been in a relationship. It’s the thought that counts?
- To say that you’re not used to sleeping in a puppy pile is saying something. Your back and muscles are just not built for it. Also someone was stabbed in their sleep not too long after you joined, so that’s fun to think about. Thankfully, even before your relationship started, Yondu had you sleep next to him.
I hope you all enjoyed this! I know it’s not Daniel Craig, but I have been wanting to expand a little. Please tell me what you think or if there are other Michael Rooker characters you’d like to see (I’m thinking Clyde Dutton from Love and Monsters)... My asks are always open and comments are always welcome!
- Simpy
#yondu udonta x reader#yondu x reader#yondu udonta#x reader#michael rooker#guardians of the galaxy#sfw headcanons#sfw#Domestic Bliss#fluff
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20,39,42 with Andy Barber?
Hey, lovely anon. First of all i hope you’re doing well and second of all, i thoroughly enjoyed writing this and i hope y’all have a lot of fun reading it. It’s been a hot minute since i last wrote for Andy.
Disclaimer: My work is not to be posted anywhere else other than MY Tumblr, Wattpad and Ao3 without my permission. However, reblogs are welcome.
Pairing: Andy Barber x Fem!Reader
Prompts Used:
20) “You’d better be quiet or everyone’s going to know what a naughty little slut you are”
39) “I’m so sick of your voice. Why don’t you come over here and put your mouth to better use?”
42) “I guess i’ll just get off all by myself”
Warnings: Smut. Sexual intercourse, vaginal sex, spanking, daddy kink, love making (kinda), arguing, swearing, angst and a sprinkle of fluff for good measure. That’s right, used all 3. 18+ you know the drill.
Word Count: 6,796
GIF NOT MINE!!! Credit to @cassercole go check them out💕
Do You Feel What I Feel?
After a long and interesting weekend, you’re a lot less eager to get back behind your desk to work for Andy Barber than you usually are. One reason in particular being that you’ve been dating other people behind his back. See the thing with you and Andy is that you’ve known him for 2 whole years, worked for him for 1 year and been fucking him since the evening of your very first day. He got you the job to work with him after you got laid off.
You met him after he showed up for one of your seminars at college and he gave a presentation on what it’s like to be a lawyer and you just clicked. But it was strictly platonic...until you showed up on that first day dressed in a knee length skirt, a semi sheer polka dot blouse with stockings and heels. He was shocked to say the least. You looked entirely different and he’d never seen you this way before. It turned him on and he let you know it.
As you were packing your things away and bidding him goodbye for the day, he called you back into his office and instructed you to lock the door behind you before he began to inform you of the effect you had on him. Starting slowly by telling you how he was taken aback by your ability to think on your feet, use your initiative and then just like that, it all came out and he couldn’t control his hunger much longer.
He kissed you so hard that night that the breath was knocked from your lungs but you loved it, you yearned for more of that feeling and he fucked you so good that you made it a regular thing, without even realising it was becoming one until it was too late. You’d just show up at each others places without a warning and before you knew it, he was fucking you into the mattress and making you cum with a cry of his name.
Now back to the present... you like Andy, in fact if you’re being truthful with yourself, you’ve fallen so madly in love with him that you know it’s time to quit him. He’s like a drug, an addiction and you need to stop going back for more. Hence why you decided that enough was enough.
You met a guy online, his name is Ashley and he was more than keen to take you out so you happily obliged and sure you had a nice time but there’s just one issue lying in your way. Andy is unsuspecting of your little date and it’s been eating away at you since said date walked you back to your apartment. You know that you need to tell him but you fear that it’ll cost you your job, he did hire you to help you out after all.
Before you can wallow more in your choice to keep things from him, he calls you into his office and you haven’t even gotten any work done yet, you only sat down 5 minutes ago.
What could he possibly want so early on?
“Yes, Mr Barber?” you ask flirtatiously, making him glare up at you before gesturing for you to take a seat opposite him. Which you do.
“So today i’m gonna need you to file this paper work into the data base for me” he starts, lifting up a pile taller than the length of your forearm and now you’re annoyed for real this time. He knows full well that you’re still finishing off the stack from Friday and yet here he is presenting more work for you to do “get it done by the end of the day” he finishes, flashing you another stone cold glare as he looks back down at the paper on his desk, not even bothering to acknowledge your presence for a second longer.
Until you speak up “Andy, you know i’m still finishing off Frid....”
“That’s Mr Barber to you and you can leave now” his rude and snappy interruption makes you scoff as you shake your head at the tone in his voice, he’s not in any mood today to help you out or make exceptions. So you do as you’re told, hauling the heavy pile into your arms and lugging it back to your desk outside. Once it’s on your desk, you walk back to shut his door before he asks, making sure to slam it harder than needed to make it known that you’re angry with him.
He doesn’t seem to notice or care though.
Now to get started on all of this work that’ll probably mean you staying later tonight, just brilliant. Guess your second date with Ashley will have to be rescheduled.
You finish off half of the pile by the time it gets to 1:30pm and you’re due a lunch break round about now so seeing as though Andy hasn’t left his office all day, you decide to pop out for some food with one of the other assistants, Stacey. Thank God you don’t have to face him since you have absolutely no clue what could have possibly rattled his cage this morning to make him snap at you like that. The two of you have always had this ongoing joke of you calling him Mr Barber and he usually allows you to call him by his first name until today when that alone was enough to anger him.
It’s obvious that you’ll have to put off telling him about your date until he’s in a better place to receive the news. You’re hoping that since he’s always been opposed to commitment that he’ll take it well but the halt in your fooling around might annoy him a little. It’s not your problem though, he always knew you were planning to eventually settle down.
Upon your return to your desk you find Andy sat in your chair, looking through your work “where the hell have you been?” he mutters as he avoids your eyes “you know what, don’t even bother making excuses, my office, NOW” you jump out of fear as he raises his voice slightly at you for the first time in the whole 2 years you’ve known him. Your anxious body shuffles into his office, scared of what’s about to happen.
“Was i not clear enough earlier Y/N? Hm? Because i specifically remember asking you to have this work done by the end of the day. You get off at half 4, it’s now half 2 and you’ve only done half. Do i pay you to galavant around town with Stacey or do i pay you to do your goddam job?”
In the 2 years that you’ve known Andy, he’s also never made you cry, yet here you are trying your absolute hardest not to let these tears fall in front of him.
“You pay me to do my job and i’ve tried my best to get it done. I-I’m sorry” you stand there awkwardly, picking at the torn skin around your fingernails as you stare hopelessly at your stilettos. “Well your best isn’t fucking good enough Y/N, try harder. You can stay here until all of the paperwork is done and that includes Friday’s load too now close the door on your way out”
Is he actually serious? He can’t be, surely. What is wrong with him?
“No” you stand tall, hands on your hips as you talk back and if he was angry before then now he’s livid with you “What do you mean no?” he questions, stepping towards you, hands in his pockets as he awaits your answer.
“I said, no. Just because you’re in a bad mood for whatever reason does NOT mean that you get to stand here and humiliate me. I said no and that’s final. I’ll do my best to get today’s work done before i leave but Friday’s work can wait and i don’t care what nasty comment you have in store to throw back at me”
His face screws up as he clenches his jaw again, you should feel really scared right about now, that comment might have just cost you this job but you don’t care. If that’s the case then you’ll walk out of here proud of yourself along with one less so called friend in your life.
“Bad mood? I’m furious and you don’t even know the half of it” he picks his phone up, tapping a couple times before handing it to you and walking back to his desk to sit down. You watch the clip in his camera roll, squinting as you try to make out the faces in it and then you realise that it’s you and Ashley. Fuck. He was there that night at your apartment, he was obviously coming to see you and you didn’t even know it. He must have seen you with another man and changed his mind. You feel awful as you look back at him, he just sighs once you place the phone onto his desk.
“Andy, i-i”
“Save it. If you wanted to cut our little deal off then you shoulda just said. I don’t appreciate being lied to Y/N and i don’t fancy talking about it with you for a minute longer so just do as your fucking told and get back to work”
All you can do is turn around and walk away since you’ve done enough damage already. But all you can think about is the look on his face after you watched the incriminating clip. He looked sad, broken even and it’s replaying in your brain over and over. Torturing you.
This is why he’s been so nasty today, so demanding and harsh. He’s hurt that you lied to him, hurt that you were with someone else, even if it was just dinner. You still arranged a date with another man and went and what Andy has never wanted to admit before, not even to himself is that he really likes you. In fact no, he’s fallen madly in love with you.
Every waking moment of his life is spent with you on his mind. You even corrupt his dream world too and it’s gotten out of control. Saturday he decided it was time to cut your little deal off and start over. He was going to do it right, confess his feelings, ask you on a date and then take you out and treat you like a princess.
Ever since he laid his blue eyes on you that first time when he was doing the presentation in your class at college, he liked you. You asked so many questions, engaged a lot in the debates and he knew then that you were going to play an important role in his life. And you have. You became close friends, going out regularly and doing things like bowling and eating dinner together more than a handful of times. He enjoyed your company and you enjoyed his but there was this unspoken rule that you had to remain just friends. He wasn’t ready for anything serious and you were still not over your ex.
But then when you walked through his office door on your first day dressed in that skirt, those heels and stockings and lets not forget about that blouse. He was trying his hardest not to drool. One things for sure though, he was painfully hard for you.
When he came to your apartment Saturday and saw you outside your door with some preppy douchebag who was around your age, he felt this lump in his throat form as his heart ached. Sure he expected you to get a man eventually after all you are 24 and he’s in his 30’s. But he didn’t expect it to happen so soon. He also didn’t expect you to have such an effect on him the way you have but here he is, angry at you for moving on without telling him and angry that you aren’t his anymore.
He feels bad for shouting at you today, for being so harsh with his words. He could see the tears pooling in your eyes right away but he was too pissed off to stop and now he’s almost certain that any friendship the two of you had is gone for good thanks to his vile actions.
Another 2 hours tick by and you’re still working at your pile, you’ve still got a lot left being that he’s included Friday’s in your load too. It’s going to be a long night so you pick your phone up and call Ashley.
“Ashley hey, it’s uh, it’s Y/N. Listen, i have to work late today so i won’t be able to make it” you announce and as he responds, Andy opens his door but you don’t notice.
“Rain check? Uh...” you trail off, trying your hardest to decide if you even want to see him again. It’s like you’re torn. On one hand you have Andy, your dream man. A man who knows your body like the back of his hands and a man who can more than likely take care of you if you just took a leap and told him about your feelings but then on the other hand you have Ashley. A guy who is your age and who makes you laugh a hell of a lot. Before you can even decide though, you hear a cough behind you. It’s Andy.
“Ashley can i call you back? It’s just now’s not really a good time, i have a lot of work to get done”
You hang up the phone as your eyes are locked onto Andy’s and the moment your phone is placed back onto your desk he wraps his large hand around your wrist, lifting you up off your chair and tugging you into his office. You watch as he locks the door behind him before going back to sitting behind his desk.
“You gonna see him again?” he asks, jaw clenched.
“I-I uh, i don’t know. I’m a little torn right now” your eyes settle on his plump pink lips, wanting nothing more than to bite down on his bottom one as you sink down onto his cock but you’re dirty thoughts come to a staggering halt as he speaks. “Torn with what? You like him right?” why is he asking you these things? Is he trying to torture himself with the details.
“Yes i mean no i mean I don’t know. I like him but i don’t think i can date him”
“How come?”
“Because i like someone else, in fact i love someone else”
Andy feels his heart sink further as more cracks appear threatening to shatter it completely. You love someone else and now he’s truly out of the game.
Rage works it’s way back into his body and he can’t help but take it out on you “did you sleep with him? Huh? Did the douche bag get to fuck that tight cunt of yours?”
At first you find him funny, laughing as you look around the room, anywhere but his eyes but then your own rage sets in.
“Not that it’s any of your business but no, he didn’t. We had dinner and that’s it” you state, matter of factly as you place your hands back onto your hips..
“Is that what you really think of me Andy? You think i’d just give it up to any guy that even looked my way. Wow, i knew you were a lot of things but vicious was definitely not one of them and what’s that i smell? Is it jealousy? Surely not.” you tut, shaking your head “I don’t think i even know you at all by the looks of things if you thought lying to me was better than being honest and trust me, i’m not jealous in the slightest, in fact i pity you. It’s your sex life that will suffer” he doesn’t falter for even a second as he stares you down and just as he anticipated, you’re the first one to break, looking away from him. You can’t help the way your heart starts to race from all of the fury filling up your body. How dare he.
“I was only keeping it from you until i found the right time to tell you. And don’t you dare think for one second that just because we’ve slept together that you have any right to comment on my sex life. You made it perfectly clear that monogamy wasn’t your thing so don’t be mad when i finally want to move on from being someone’s fuck buddy” you spit, heat rising to your cheeks as you realise what you just said. Fuck.
“I’ll comment on whatever i fucking want to so quit the bitching and yeah, i don’t do commitment but i sure as hell wouldn’t be with you even if i did”
You don’t respond to him this time, there’s no quick comeback to fire his way, no insult that could mean you having the upper hand again. Nothing is left but shock and disappointment. He really said that, he really played on your biggest insecurity. He played on it and used it to his advantage, to get the upper hand and win the argument.
“What? Got nothing to say?” he snorts, smug grin on his face. Watch his smile disappear now...
“I love you, Andy” you finally get the words out and you feel as if you’re going to choke on them and die right here in his office. Cause of death, unrequited love.
“W-what?” he’s practically speechless, his words barely audible.
“I’m so madly in love with you and i have been for a while now. But i continued to shut my feelings out and reject other guys because i came to the realisation that having you in any way that i could would be enough for me even if it meant that i couldn’t have you in the way that i’ve always wanted. But none of this matters now, right? Because you’ve made it pretty clear how you feel and where you stand. You wouldn’t date me even you did date and that’s fine but at least now both our cards are on the table”
He looks up at you, using his index finger to force you to look back at him and when you do, he looks so deep into your eyes almost as if he’s attempting to see into your soul. Like he’s trying to search for any signs of dishonesty.
“Why didn’t you just tell me? Instead of going out with other guys you shoulda told me and been honest about it?” is all he can say and that’s the last response you expected but what catches you off guard the most is how he said it, almost like he was hurt and relieved simultaneously.
“Andy, you’re my boss and you made it clear that you didn’t want a relationship” he has absolutely no right to lecture you about honesty when he’s spent the entire time he’s known you blabbering on about how the single life is better for him and how he’d hate to be tied down again. You roll your eyes as you move away from him when he attempts to move closer.
Silence falls upon the two of you and it seems never ending, leaving you no choice but to leave. The moment you turn around to walk away he’s on his feet too “where are you going?” the tone his voice makes it sound as though he’s pleading for you to stay without actually saying the words.
“I’m going back to my desk to do my fucking job, just like you told me to do earlier” you turn back around but just as you expected, he stops you “look. I’m sorry, okay. I was just mad that you”
“Mad about what? That i went out on a date? I’m a single woman Andy and despite our little deal, i don’t belong to you so you have no right to be mad at me for doing what any other single person does”
He bites down on his bottom lip as he runs his fingers through his perfectly styled locks, messing them up instantly “God, you’re so fucking infuriating”
“I’m infuriating? You really are clueless to your own behaviour aren’t you? I just told you that i love you and you still haven’t told me if you feel the same. So i think that says it all, don’t you?” you stop yourself before continuing your rant, trying your hardest to prevent something worse slipping out. Right now in your state, you’re bound to say things that you don’t mean and will later regret. “you know what, i think i’m gonna take the work load home and complete it there. I’ll see you tomorrow, if i still have a job that is” you raise your brows at him, praying he doesn’t fire you for your attitude alone. But to your surprise he doesn’t.
“You really think that low of me? That i’d ever fire you because of what’s going on between us outside of this office? Wow” he leans back on his desk and his shoulders drop as he slumps over, looking down at his large calloused hands.
“It’s what i assumed would happen. You’re really gonna pretend like you don’t want me gone after today?”
“I don’t, believe it or not. But i have no time to deal with this discussion any longer, i have to leave early today” he says as he goes back to sitting behind his desk again and turning his computer back on “i don’t expect you to stay any longer, you can take that work home and finish it after your date” he mutters the last few words, pulling a face as if they make him sick.
“Really? We’re back to that again. God i’ve had it with you” you spit, biting down on the inside of your cheek before strutting over to the door but his hand stops you before you even get yours on the lock.
“Let me go Andy. I don’t even want to look at you, let alone be stuck in a room with you” harsh, but in this moment it’s true. He’s done nothing but upset you all day long and even after your stupid decision to confess your love for him, he’s still doing it. You feel so defeated right now that you can’t take another second of his shit.
“Just one more thing and then you’re free to go and fuck whoever you want, whenever you want. How many guys have you been on dates with since we started hooking up?” the desperation is evident in his eyes as they pierce into yours, searching again but this time for the answers before you can even open your mouth to give them to him “one. It was only one date on Saturday night with Ashley” and that’s the truth. You would never repeatedly date behind his back, this was a one off. A one off you’re regretting more as the seconds tick by.
An awkward silence falls upon the two of you once more as he walks back over to his desk, pacing next to it and creating a draft. “Are you planning to see him again?” and he’s back with more questions. Why does he care so much?
He clearly doesn’t love you too otherwise he’d have said it once you confessed your feelings for him. Instead he left you looking like the biggest joke ever, the clown. And you feel so mortified for even believing he’d say it back.
Silly little Y/N, always catching feelings for men who don’t feel the same way back. You’re starting to feel as though you’ll never find someone.
But still his behaviour has you second guessing him. Maybe he does like you and that’s why he’s acting so hurt.
“Maybe i will, after all i am single. That shouldn’t be a problem, should it Andy?” you know full well that you’re pushing down hard on his buttons and you can see his cheeks turn red as his knuckles turn white from his tight grip on the side of the table.
“What you don’t like that? You don’t like the thought of me on top of Ashley, sinking down onto his cock as he touches my body and kis -”
Out of nowhere he interrupts you, slamming his fist down onto his desk “dammit, Y/N, what is it with you? Trying to make me jealous? Because i’ve had just about enough of you running your mouth” he pulls one of the chairs out, falling into it and spreading his legs “In fact. I’m so sick of your voice. Why don’t you come over here and put your mouth to better use? Huh? Maybe then you’ll shut up about that fucking douche bag” he is jealous, it’s so obvious to you now. He’s jealous of Ashley, jealous of the possibility of him spending time with you and he hates the thought of someone stealing you away from his tight grasp.
You can’t quite believe your ears or your eyes as he spreads his legs further, grazing his hand over the tent in his dress trousers and you can’t help the gulp that follows.
“Shhh, enough talking. I don’t have it in me anymore to argue with you, just come here” he insists but you stand your ground “no. i can’t keep going round and round in circles with you with absolutely no end in sight and with no hope for you to reciprocate how i feel. I’m sorry but i’m leaving”
Yet again, as expected, he clears his throat “fine. I guess i’ll just get off all by myself”
Like they always do around Andy, your legs turn to jelly and your eyes glaze over along with your better judgement being clouded by x rated thoughts of him railing you. The idea of him touching himself, working his hand expertly around his girthy cock causes arousal to flood your panties. How dare your body betray you like this. How dare your mind do the same. It’s not fair that every time you think you have the upper hand and the dominance, he comes along, snatching it away from you and proving you wrong.
You have absolutely no idea why you’re about to do what you’re about to do other than the fact that your body gravitates toward him like a magnet and it’s out of your control.
So without a second longer to fester or overthink, you spin around on your heels, charging towards him. Andy watches in awe as you drop to your knees and make quick work of his belt. Once you free his cock from the confines of his black Calvin Kleins and into your small hand you spot the droplets of precum oozing out of the slit on his red bulbous head. You look up at him through your eyelashes, batting them as you give the tip a couple of kitten licks before spitting all over his shaft and pumping him agonisingly slow.
“Fuck” he groans, rolling his eyes back as he grips the arm rests on the chair when you take him into your mouth “attagirl, sucking daddy’s cock like a fucking pro” his hands grip your face as he continues to watch you go to work, making a mess of yourself as you gag around him,
You don’t bother to issue a warning before taking all of him in your mouth, all the way down to his balls over and over. Making sure to hollow out your cheeks as you bob your head up and down, your tongue licking the underside of him as your hands grasp his balls. He starts bucking his hips up, attempting to fuck your mouth but you push him back down as a whole batch of unholy sounds that only you can elicit from him fall from his perfect lips, the sounds that are so loud and downright filthy that he has no option but to cover his mouth with his hand, biting down one of his thick digits to keep from exposing himself to his unsuspecting colleagues outside.
He soon pulls you off and you do so with a pop. He forces you to look up at him, his hand grabbing your cheeks and squeezing aggressively “no matter what undeserving boys you go out on a date with, no matter who flirts with you. You’re mine, always have been and always will be” he moves you to straddle his lap before he stands up to move the two of you to the couch.
“So no more dates princess, no more other guys. Because i’m the only one who gets to have you. Is that clear?” he cocks his brow up at you and you nod in response before mumbling a quick “yes” to satisfy his need for confirmation and assurance.
He lifts your knee length dress up to your stomach before he gets to touching you, squeezing at your ass cheeks a little too hard for your liking but you secretly love the way he gets so rough with your body, the way he smacks both ass cheeks repeatedly until you wince from how sore he’s made you.
“God, these clothes drive me crazy. Ever since that first day i met you, i’ve wanted you and when you started working here, i was so desperate to fuck you as you wore these stockings and these heels. You’re so fucking hot, princess and you have no idea how crazy you drive me when you bend over, shoving this ass in my face”
He starts to kiss your neck, sloppy open mouthed kisses on the spot that has your back arching as you grip onto the back of his neck to steady yourself. He’s working you up all the more, turning the pool in your panties into a river. You’re dripping wet for him, desperate for him to just fuck your greedy pussy, desperate to clench down around his cock as he pounds into you.
“You’ve done it before Andy. Many times in fact”
His kisses halt as he smirks at you, that devilish look in his eyes. It always drives you wild “do it again, please, i need it” you beg pathetically and much to your surprise, he does exactly that. He takes your panties, tugging them to the side and playing with your soaked core a little as well as touching your bundle of nerves. You whine into the crook of his neck as you urge him to hurry before he eventually pulls his pants further down his legs to position himself at your entrance better. You don’t even have time to breathe before he’s knocking the air from your lungs as he fucks himself to the hilt inside of you.
The way his pace continues to pick up until it’s rendering on animalistic is causing you to let out the loudest and sexiest sounds, it’s like music to his ears but he can’t have anyone hearing this. He flips the two of you over so that you’re below him, your legs pushed back to your head and you hold them in place. His hand covers your mouth as he slides himself back in, not making any effort to start slow “you’d better be quiet or everyone’s going to know what a naughty little slut you are” he continues with rough snaps of his hips as he fucks into you with reckless abandon and causing the sweet music you make to vibrate onto his hand.
“Yeah, like this? Like the way i fuck this pretty little cunt?”
“Bet his cock couldn’t even touch what mine does to you, the way you cry out for more and scream my name every time. The way i can make you cum with just my words and my fingers. God, such a dirty little girl for me, ain’t that right, princess?”
Satisfied hums follow his questions along with a frantic nod as you feel the coil tightening in your stomach, like a knot twisting and pulling, you’re so unbelievably close that you can almost taste the impending orgasm. “Don’t make a fucking sound when i move my hand, okay?” again you nod in response and he moves his hand, smiling down at you with adoration in his eyes before moving his hand to your aching sex. His fingers pressing down onto your bundle of nerves, rubbing firm circles on it and as soon as your walls flutter around him, he knows your close.
“Gonna cum, huh? Gonna make a mess all over my cock? My filthy girl, go on baby, cream all over me”
Just like that, along with his permission you let everything go, allowing yourself to really feel the pleasure. Your walls flutter around him again and again and each time he pulls out of you he spots your juices as they cover his cock beautifully. The sight alone has his hips snapping harder, the sound of his skin slapping against yours bounces off of the walls in his office and you accidentally let out a lewd moan that he swallows with his kiss as you wrap your legs around him to pull him closer “cum for me daddy” your encouragement sends his entire world spinning as his thrusts stagger.
His cock jolts inside of you, twitching like crazy before his cream fills you up deliciously, painting your walls in thick ropes. You arch your back as your arms wrap around his neck. You need to feel his lips on yours.
He kisses you so hard that your teeth clash, making the two of you chuckle into each others mouths before attempting again. This time his tongue forces it’s way past your lips, battling with yours as he rides the two of you through your dramatic and intense highs.
Once his hips still and he pulls out, he flops down next to you. The two of you are nothing but a panting mess. Chests rising and falling along with your erratic heart beats.
“I love you too” he confesses, making you gasp as you turn your head to look at his spent body, the way his eyes meet yours and tears pool in them has your eyes doing the same.
“I’m not finished. I’ve felt this connection with you since the day i first met you, it caught me completely off guard. When we made the deal for it to be just friends, i was upset. I wanted a lot more but i know i wasn’t ready just yet. But the way you’d draw out laughter from me that no one else has ever been able to and the way you’d boss me around only made my feelings grow. Then we fucked and it was like confirmation to me that i was well and truly screwed. But i kept coming back for more because it was like an addiction, i had to have you in any way that was possible and if sex was the only way then i’d have stayed single forever just to keep you close. I’d have done anything to be able to hold your body and kiss your neck and make you feel good. If doing that as just your fuck buddy was the only way then so be it. But i got to a point where just fucking you wasn’t enough. I wanted something real with you. So on Saturday-” before he can even finish you sigh, sitting up.
“You came to tell me how you felt? Andy, why didn’t you just say that earlier?” you don’t know how to feel right now. You’re so consumed by emotions that your head is spinning. One one hand you’re angry, annoyed and upset that he kept this from you and didn’t just tell you he felt the same when you confessed how you felt. But then on the other hand you’re relieved and happy that he does feel the same. This was never some unrequited love, it’s always been reciprocated and real.
All the lingering stares you’d catch, all of the compliments thrown your way and the insults hurled at random guys who’d ogle you whenever you were out in public with him or whenever another guy at work would take an interest.
“I saw you with that guy Y/N and i broke down. Then today, i expected you to come in and talk to me about it but instead you sat down at your desk, acted normal and didn’t say a word. I was hurt that you’d keep this from me. I know we both felt these things and i know both of us were unaware of the feelings being reciprocated but you still didn’t tell me you’d even thought about seeing other people and i guess i just expected more from you, more honesty”
He’s right. You don’t have it in you to argue because he’s right. He might have had his reasons for hiding his true feelings but you hid your date from him and that’s a lot worse. How was he supposed to just come out with it when all he could think of was you with Ashley.
“You’re right. I was wrong, i didn’t even think about the effect it would have and i was selfish. To tell you the truth i only went out with that guy because i was trying to move on from you, i didn’t want to keep feeling this strongly with no possibility of you feeling the same so i did the first thing i knew to do, date some other guy”
Andy can’t say he isn’t relieved to hear you admit that preppy college boy means nothing to you but it’s bitter sweet, you saying that you thought your feelings were one sided so you wanted to move on to avoid getting hurt further makes him hurt too. You’ve always meant more to him than just some friendship or some steamy sex. You’re the first woman he’s even looked twice at since Laurie and that means a whole lot more than you’ll ever know or understand.
“So what now?” you ask, puppy dog eyes showing as you await his response.
“I know it’s a bit backwards but how about a date tomorrow?”
God, he really is so handsome, so sweet. His deep and raspy chuckles make you giggle along with him as you straddle him once again, crashing your lips to his, his beard scratching at your face just the way you like.
He pulls away for a second “is that a yes?” once more you shake your head, tutting at him “a thousand times yes, Mr Barber. Yes i’ll go out with you” he wraps his arms around you as he pulls you flush against his suit clad torso, kissing you eagerly and smiling into it. He finally got the girl.
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why do you think dream and george wouldn't be as close as they are if they didn't let things go easily if you wanna idk elaborate. i like reading peoples opinons on stuff and i hard agree with you on this one like a small example is the mcc6 stream. if i was either of them tbh it would affect my relationship with the other person. i remember watching it live and hearing some of the stuff they said to each other specially dream at some point and i was like jesus christ calm down this is gonna end badly lol
^ in reference to my tags on this
First of all I want to say, that I probably misspoke when I said they wouldn’t be friends but I do believe they wouldn’t be as close if one or both of them were more sensitive to what the other said. They both are very good at letting things just roll of their backs and not holding grudges, but I feel like if they were like that that maybe they wouldn’t be as close as they are now.
I also think that Dream and George are very good “business” partners. They’re a very good team and that shows in every video and every stream and shows in their numbers on YouTube as well. People love them together, they work well together in a team setting. I think they’re pretty good, not great, but pretty good at communicating when it comes to business aka YouTube and streaming, HOWEVER where these “pretty good” communication skills stop is when things get personal.
The infamous - for all the wrong reasons - MCC6 livestream is what I first thought of too, the last two hours of that stream are painful for me to think about all these months later. Dream especially was very toxic that stream. I could kinda see where he was coming from but then he started to hurl these insults at George that I really thought were over the line, for example, “why do you think I’ve shown Sapnap my face and not you?” or suggesting that George was going to scam him when Dream ended up scamming George and then Dream getting mad and George looked like he was wiping away tears at one point- it was just a really bad situation and I know even in the comments people were worried their friendship would suffer from it. There’s been other small instances like this too for example George first cursed stream or the “bottom” comment.
Now their friendship didn’t suffer because again they tend to let things roll off their backs but it was still bad. Admittedly, I do think this was a bad moment and bad argument and all close friends probably go through something like this but that doesn’t take away how bad their communication was in that stream. I do think their communication has gotten a bit better since that moment but sometimes you see it still being tested.
For example, the first thing that comes to mind for me is the Valentine’s Day situation where Dream asked George to be his valentine and George said ‘no’ okay that was a fun moment whatever but then this clip happened where they’re discussing it and George says, “you didn’t mean it,” and Dream says, “I 100% meant it” multiple times. George seemed imo pretty flustered and nervous and maybe idk worried that something would change? Another little moment of miscommunication and another moment that was about their personal lives, not about business.
Now on the bright side I’m very happy to report that this clip has proved their communication skills have gotten better. That Dream from that clip is a complete 180 from the Dream in the MCC6 stream and as little as that moment was it’s a pleasure to see. George is kinda “joking” and repeated “he lied” over and over and Dream is waiting patiently for George to come back even asking, “can I talk?” and then calmly explains his side and honestly that’s the best communication I’ve seen Mr. WasTaken use in some time. I applaud him, truly. So, I was about to push post on this but I realized that this was another example of their good “business” communication skills because George was talking about recording a video, still good communication but not about their personal (even if the clip sounded intimate and married-couple-like) lives and more-so about their business relationship.
I do think there were some things in the past that they’ve done where they have had really bad communication (like George’s first cursed stream or the “bottom” comment) and if they weren’t how they are, with letting things roll of their backs, I don’t think they would be as close as they still are but I do think their communication has gotten better and I hope to see it improve even more in the future.
Disclaimer: these are just my opinions and you’re completely valid to disagree with them. I love Dream and George individually and together and I think they work well together but they do struggle in this area.
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Miracuclass Amogus Cringe
I was going back and forth about making this post, but then I saw @charming-mage ‘s and I was like screw it we’re doing this. This ended up 10x longer than I thought it’d be.
Marinette (crewmate) - tries to organize everyone into a buddy system to corner the impostors, gets frustrated when people agree to her plan and then start running rogue. When discussions start she’s leading the conversation and asking the most questions. She greatly prefers crewmate over impostor because she likes the mystery solving element of discussions.
Marinette (impostor) - whenever she kills someone she goes, “ahhhh” out loud and panics while her avatar sprints away from the body. She likes coming up with convoluted plans, especially when she can communicate with her fellow imp(s), and tries to make it seem like she’s in two places at once wether it be through venting or falsified testimony.
Adrien (crewmate) - he has to unmute and ask how to do like every individual task to the point where he’s been voted out over it before because cmon, you’ve gotta be lying about it at this point, just piece it together and stop unmuting during task time. He makes puns and sings little improvised songs while tasking. When he suspects someone but they don’t get voted out, he offers to tail them at the cost of his own safety. Same with fixing sabotages late-game. To him, getting killed is just part of the game progression, and it’s not a big deal because he trusts his fellow crewmates to avenge him and doesn’t mind ghost-tasking.
Adrien (impostor) - okay maybe he lies about not knowing tasks sometimes. But it also took him a while to learn imp mechanics and he kept asking about them out loud like, “what’s the red square task on the floor? Why’s my name highlighted?” And somehow nobody noticed while his partner(s) were like nggggg Adrien no... At least he’s good at playing innocent/fake-detective-ing in discussions. Whenever he kills someone he makes some stupid one-liner about it out loud.
Alya (crewmate) - we got Sherlock Holmes over here. She overanalyzes every tiny detail and isn’t scared to sacrifice the sus for the greater cause. When she finishes tasks, she likes to hang out by security and snoop in case of the rare satisfaction of catching someone red-handed. If there’s an emergency meeting, it’s probably because she probably saw something. She supports Crewinette’s plans to corner the imps. She thinks tasks wins are boring and that it’s a lot more fun to win through voting correctly. If they task-win or lose she stops before the new game and asks who the imps were and for a recap of their actions.
Alya (impostor) - a force to be reckoned with. She’ll wait for the perfect moment to strike someone, and then cover her tracks, join a group and win herself a strong alibi anyways. Her reputation as a ruthless detective protects her, even when the game is set to show that the ejected person was innocent. She always chooses someone to kill and someone to blame for it, but sometimes she gets carried away and they vote her off for pointing too many fingers.
Nino (crewmate) - he’s just tasking, man. If he gets killed he’s like, “oh mf” and just keeps ghost-tasking. He mostly hangs out during the discussions unless he has something solid to say, only jumping in at the end to confirm, “so we’re voting for _?”. He leads his own little crewmate squad around when he finishes tasks to protect them while they finish theirs.
Nino (impostor) - mostly plays off the strategy of his partner(s). He likes playing the protective team-player type “innocent diversion” role while the partner(s) get to killing, so when discussions start he’s totally in the clear, which gives him an opening to dodge suspicion in the future if he needs to take over killing. He pretends to fix sabotages all the time because people rely on him to do that as a crewmate.
Max (crewmate) - freakishly good at the card scanning task. People always ask for his secret and he’s like? It’s so easy? He has every map memorized to a t so he can point out the contradictions in people’s stories like an ace attorney character. It’s surprisingly really helpful. He’s the opposite of Alya in that he’s a big supporter of the “guys, stop voting off random innocent people, we have like five tasks left. Whoever hasn’t done them, just finish them” strategy.
Max (impostor) - he tries his best to protect his partner(s) in the discussion while laying low himself, and sometimes he gets voted out for it, but if he senses that there’s nothing he can do, he’ll throw them even further under the bus to build credit for himself. He doesn’t like sacrificing innocents as a crewmate, so his defenses are only sus when he’s caught being wrong. He sabotages a lot to control people’s movements and vents liberally unless he committed to a tasking group. That being said, he can go whole rounds without killing out of caution.
Kim (crewmate) - he’s the guy who calls emergency meetings early into the game only to say, “I miss you guys :)” He gets voted out all the time for doing troll-y crap and ignoring Crewinette’s plans. He’s also severely confused by some of the tasks and game mechanics, but fakes it till he makes it, until the discussion where he rarely says anything valuable and just jokes around. Sometimes, though, he’ll offer a tiny offhand detail and everyone’s like Kim, I hate to say it, but you’re a genius or that’s the piece we’ve been missing! And he’s like haha ok. He’s always behind on tasks, sometimes out of laziness, sometimes out of confusion, but he’s one of the people Max is impatiently waiting on.
Kim (impostor) - he gets caught in the act a lot and it’s hilarious, but other times he gets away with everything the entire time, which is kinda scary. He’s weirdly good at introducing so much confusion and derailment to discussions that everyone gets totally lost and doesn’t know what’s going on, allowing him to survive when they could’ve easily figured him out. Unlike Max, he knows literally nothing about the maps and always says he was at the “slidey thing” or whatever and everyone’s like idk wtf the slidey thing is, and if this were anyone else they’d be gone immediately, but it’s Kim so he might actually be telling the truth. He refuses to learn the names of anything because this really helps him out.
Alix (crewmate) - always trying to convince her friends to experiment with ridiculous game settings. Occasionally, she gets to them, and they get games with comically unbalanced imp:crew ratios, awful lighting, an overwhelming load or lack of tasks, or hilariously low cool downs. She revels in the chaos. When she tasks she usually moves from place to place alone but tries to hop in with groups to confirm her movements. She’s pretty good at sussing imps out when they offer enough information, but otherwise she just makes goofy comments with Kim.
Alix (impostor) - not too worried about killing people and venting. She moves fast and dashes from place to place, joining a group on the opposite side of the map from her last body. If anyone says, “I saw someone vent but I didn’t see who” it was probably her. She likes the “stand in a clump and watch the chaos ensue when one person drops” technique as well as the gambling “hope that the UI for the task everyone’s doing covers your killing and venting” strat. Sometimes she’s forced to vent to a dead end and gets caught, and sometimes the big brain detectives catch her, but she’s usually pretty smooth.
Rose (crewmate) - a big fan of hide and seek mode. She likes grouping up for tasks, protecting each other at the cost of efficiency. During discussions, she has a hard time believing anyone’s the impostor, and everyone’s like, Rose, we know there are exactly three of them, you can’t defend every individual person. Whenever she gets killed she is like *gasp* et tu, Brute? No matter who it was.
Rose (impostor) - runs around with her squad when... oops... looks like something got sabotaged! Uh oh, wonder who could’ve done that? She’s in a battle against that task bar more so than the players, and tries to stay away from killing. She emulates crewmate behavior perfectly so no one ever suspects her until really late. If she’s the only imp left and she has to kill, it’s like an Agatha Christie locked room mystery level of drama and betrayal within her squad. But we were all together the whole time... omfg no way... it was one of us.
Juleka (crewmate) - she secretly prefers when everyone tasks alone, but goes with the squad for Rose. She only talks in discussions if she’s 100% sure about something, and she often incomprehensibly mumbles vital evidence. ~10 minutes later when they catch the imp she’s like iItoldyouso and the crew’s like ??? If she gets killed and her tasks are done, she haunts that impostor relentlessly. Sometimes she even organizes ghost brigades in ghost chat and gets everyone to follow them.
Juleka (impostor) - definitely gets a kick out of the kill button. Whenever she takes someone down she’s like heeheehee. If she was peer pressured into a task team again, she’ll anxiously try to slip away unnoticed for a second to catch someone in the hallway outside, but if she’s alone, she’s on a hunt. Nobody is safe. When she defends herself on voice chat she also mumbles incomprehensibly and everyone’s like sure, fair enough.
Mylene (crewmate) - seasoned task group leader. She also sings little task songs like Adrien. She tries to organize people into chatting regular status updates so they can tell if someone goes missing. She reports every body she finds and actively participates in the discussion, but whenever she makes good points, she gets overlooked. Then, the crew’s like Mylene, why didn’t you say anything sooner? And she’s like agjdjdhh Either that or she gets voted off for always reporting and being too eager to discuss on top of it.
Mylene (impostor) - gets her partner(s) inside her team and tries to tag-team anyone passing by, only for all the impostors to have alibis when she reports. If the ratio is right, they can destroy their own group, and then immediately point the finger at whoever is left, which works about half the time. Mylene is a pretty convincing actress, but the high IQ tricks only work a couple times.
Ivan (crewmate) - he’ll take one for the team if he has to, especially in those sabotage cases where you’d have to be isolated and vulnerable. Otherwise he’ll protect his group. He has an “innocent until proven guilty” attitude when he runs into other people on the map, and skips during a lot of the votes.
Ivan (impostor) - we all know he can’t lie to save his life. He usually gets voted out really fast if he kills someone because he gets nervous and starts saying contradictory things when questioned. That being said, he’ll do what he can to keep his partner(s) in the clear. He never vents because the risk is too high for him, instead just running around and saying, “sorry” out loud when he catches a victim.
Nathaniel (crewmate) - he’s the opposite of Adrien in that he’ll do anything to avoid getting killed. He runs around tasking on his own, but he’s usually behind because he’s so focused on avoiding everyone, to Max’s frustration. He also never reports bodies. This causes him to be sus at all times, so he gets voted out a lot. Wild Nath sightings are rare and terrifying because he’s never in the clear and he’s just standing there, menacingly. Imp!Alix sees him as a fun combo of Where’s Waldo and Assassin.
Nathaniel (impostor) - the millisecond that cool down timer runs out, someone is getting killed. Hit and run. He’s good at entering a fairly crowded large space, striking, and staying in everyone’s blind spots while he runs away, especially when the lights are out. He likes venting to isolated areas and killing as many people per round as he can, laughing when someone finally reports and everyone unmutes to go WHAT!? at the number of deaths. He tends to operate separately from his partner(s) unless they have an actual plan.
Chloe (crewmate) - gathers every single person in medbay and makes sure they all watch her scan. Yeah okay, we get, you’re a crewmate. She feels personally offended whenever someone kills her, which is often, since people tend to jokingly target her. During discussions, she accuses anyone and everyone of being sus, even if she just walked past them or saw them tasking alone. She likes stalking people as a ghost and spilling tea in ghost chat.
Chloe (impostor) - reacts similarly to Marinette when she kills. She will throw her partner(s) under the bus if it’s more advantageous in the long run, and she’s great at shifting the blame to innocents. People vote her out a lot anyways, and she says she can’t believe that they even like this stupid little game. Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous. Unless she wins. Then it’s fun.
Sabrina (crewmate) - discussion detective supreme. She keeps track of every piece of evidence and testimony, every detail. She tails the sus at a distance, trying to catch them doing something. Sometimes it gets her targeted, but sometimes she catches them and calls emergency meetings to snitch. Somehow she manages to do this and finish her tasks at the same time.
Sabrina (impostor) - sabotages everything, and tries to get her partner(s) to do it too. Once she won because the crew just didn’t fix O2 in time. She avoids killing Chloe, but feels bad if she has to kill anyone else too. She typically just sticks to making other people seem suspicious, and likes the game mode where you can’t see if you voted correctly or not.
Lila (both) - she rarely joins these games. She isn’t even a member of the chat group they use. They occasionally invite her, and she usually lies about how busy she is, but she accepted a couple times to further her narrative. She pretends to be really bad at being an impostor to establish herself as someone incapable of trickery. Regardless of her role, whenever the body announcement pops up, she goes, “oh nooo, not [victim(s)]... nooo....” and Mari’s like stfu Lila.
Bonus Polaroid kids because,,, they <3
Kagami (crewmate) - hella efficient at tasks. Two discussions in and she’s done. She’s the interrogation specialist who stresses out the imps and crew alike with her barrage of questions. She likes moving either alone or in partners, three people maximum, unless Crewinette needs her, in which case she’ll stick to the plan no matter what.
Kagami (impostor) - you’re walking through the base / there’s no one around and comms are down / out of the corner of your eye you spot her / Kagami Tsurugi. She will have you cornered and you won’t be able to do anything about it. She always has a made up explanation for what she was doing, but sometimes it falls through solely because she’s always acting sus.
Luka (crewmate) - he likes crewmate a lot more than impostor. He’ll tag along with a task group until he’s done, and then he’ll go lurk in the corner and spy on people. He moves along the walls, and a few times this has led to him witnessing murders in the middle of the room while the imp only saw him after it was too late. Cue the mad dash for emergency meeting.
Luka (impostor) - works together with his partner(s) to perform some high level backstabbery. He rarely gets voted out unless he messes up because he builds bonds of trust with like half of the crew while he leads the rest into his partner(s)’ traps. He feels bad about killing sometimes, but he doesn’t mind sabotaging.
Zoe (crewmate) - she finds one or two other people she trusts and follows them around. She uses the logic of “well we could’ve both killed each other by now but we didn’t so they must be safe”. She immediately recounts everything that happened to her that round in discussions, even irrelevant details, just in case they might end up useful, and tends to bandwagon with voting.
Zoe (impostor) - tries to catch people in secluded corners or rooms with closable doors to kill them. She avoids taking risks, but sometimes she reports her own bodies and tries to act all surprised by the discovery. She’s a good actress, but she’s not the best bs artist, although the crew is used to her giving a ton of details right from the start, so they don’t suspect her unless there’s a hole in her story.
Marc (crewmate) - does tasks on his own but makes sure to stop near crowds when he can. Whenever he’s running around alone and sees someone else, he immediately turns around like ohmygodohmygod and anxiously dances around the other person who’s more than likely just another, equally anxious crewmate with places to be. He still gets killed a lot.
Marc (impostor) - he goes full anime villain mode. All according to keikaku. He’s one of those people who disproportionately rolls the impostor role and ends up with it like twice every five games. He plans out every move he’s gonna make, every complex lie and big brain play, and sometimes he gets that glorious evil win, but sometimes his plans are totally sabotaged by stupid things like Kim’s trolling.
#miraculous ladybug#ml#among us#marinette dupain cheng#adrien agreste#alya cesaire#nino lahiffe#max kante#le chien kim#alix kubdel#rose lavillant#juleka couffaine#mylene haprele#ivan bruel#nathaniel kurtzberg#chloe bourgeois#sabrina raincomprix#lila rossi#kagami tsuguri#luka couffaine#zoe lee#marc anciel#miracuclass#long post#character analysis#yeah that’s right I’m tagging this as character analysis#this could make for some funny comics#tag yourself
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life's hecticness has finally kinda caught up to me and im just feeling super worn down and im seeking comfort in the old guard and because your blog always sparks joy ive come to you. on the subject of comfort do you have any thoughts on coping mechanisms/ways to comfort themselves the members of the old guard have? and similarly, ways they help comfort the others too? i would love to hear any and all thoughts you might have on the matter <3 - 2ta
in terms of comforting others:
nicky: words. i think its kind of interesting, but every time in the movie we see as character in emotional distress nicky speaks up (its okay nile, tell us, sono qui, everything happens for a reason boss) the only time he breaks this habit is when booker talks about grief in the lab.
booker: we dont rlly see booker explicitly comfort people much but he does seem to tend towards expressions of solidarity or subtle check-ins/expressions of concern (for the former he tells nile about his family, he tells nile big wounds take longer to heal, he reminds andy that ‘this is what you wanted’ and for the latter he asks andy post-stab if shes alright, he tells andy he wont see her again, etc)
hes also quick to (rightfully lmao) accept blame (after the kill floor, when he wont get up when the squad escapes, and the scene where he and andy get captured)
joe: he doesnt do a whole lot of comforting to the non-nicky’s out there interestingly enough. he encourages andy like the others do just after the baklava scene (i know you needed a break but its been over a year boss) he also tends to make little light hearted jokes/comments to lighten the mood sometimes (this plus 'faster than the elevator', etc)
and i suppose one could say him answering nile’s questions during the dinner scene are a type of comfort in itself, tho .. .... his answers arent exactly reassuring lmao
nile: So are you good guys or bad guys?
joe: Depends on the century
(j o s e p h you could have given her a more reassuring answer than that!! altho depending on the person, straight honesty can be very comforting in of itself, and joe prolly knew that andy would dance around nile’s questions and be generally unhelpful)
but additionally joe is a pretty strong protector and worrier about his friends’ well-being. he advocates for finding nile in the train scene and tells the others to ‘cover andy’ when they find out shes mortal
(plus the little touch he does to andy’s back!)
andy: andy’s mileage varies when it comes to comforting (primarily nile of course bc shes the Distressed One in the movie) but a lot of the time she tends towards offering stability and loyalty (me and those three men in there will keep you safe, you’re one of us now we would do the same for you, [to nicky] this changes nothing) which of course makes sense for her. stability and loyalty obviously probably mean so much to andy and as Team Leader shes probably very used to offering those things
nile: nile is more the comfortee than the comforter in the movie for all the obvious reasons, tho i think its interesting that at the end she tells andy ‘youre gonna [spend the time you have left] with us, andy’ not only bc shes delivering that stability/loyalty right back at andy but also bc shes also a leader (in the marines) so she might have a similar situation as andy with offering stability & loyalty as a Leader
being comforted:
nicky: the most notable instance of nicky being upset and getting comforted is obviously the van speech, tho like ive said i doubt joe’s go-to method of comforting nicky is a Speech. tho also (obviously & as ive talked abt a lot) i think he takes a lot of comfort from the idea of destiny/fate and the idea that he and The Lads were all destined to be together. he lomves his friends and hes happy when theyre happy
booker: alcohol.
honestly im not even sure how booker would really like to be comforted/comfort himself besides his given Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms. i think he does take a lot of comfort in his Solidarity with andy tho. considering his ‘that way madness lies’ comment about the immortality and his comment in the comic about ‘whats the purpose of an uncertain immortality?’ and his tendency towards tech, i think he’s the kind of person who likes when things are explainable and logical (and u could say thats a way he foils with nicky i suppose)
joe: him touchy
ive been meaning to make a gifset thats just Joe + Reassurance Through Touch but i keep forgetting about it. hes a very tactile boyo. in the comic while theyre having the nile nightmare joe reaches out and physically grabs nicky’s arm/shoulder in his sleep, like hes subconsciously checking hes still there. he worries So Much about the others (nicky in the armored van, nile in the train scene, andy post-mortality) and their well-being that i think he takes a lot of comfort in knowing all the lads are okay and safe (esp nicky)
andy: like i mentioned i think she likes loyalty and stability, which is obvs something shes had a serious lacking of throughout her life. ik u arent super into the comics but the recent tales through time story about andy went over how she takes comfort in the idea that her axe belonged to her mother once, even if her modern-day axe has had all its parts and pieces replaced so many times its not the axe her mother gave her 7000 yrs ago anymore. however andy still clings to this idea of her axe being her mother’s axe (‘this is the labyrs she held in her hands’). the memory of her family/mother and the stability of having the same axe with her through her history obvs comforts her a lot.
nile: again similarly to andy i feel like loyalty/family comforts nile a lot. she followed her father’s footsteps into the marines and worries about her loyalties to them through the first half of the movie, and tries to go home & thinks about her mom and brother through the whole thing.
(plus, music obvs means a lot to her)
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Oh My God, They Were Roommates
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Synopsis: You’re tired of denying your relationship in every interview, but Tom insists on keeping it a secret. Lucky for you, he’s terrible at keeping secrets
Secretly dating Tom Holland was not an easy job. You were his on and offscreen girlfriend, no people naturally wanted you to be together in real life. Towards the beginning of your relationship, you both agreed to keep it private. You’d managed to deny relationship rumors for over a year until you discovered something:
You and Tom were really really bad at keeping it a secret.
Far too many times, you’d do or say something that confirmed your relationship. And far too many times, you’d have to go on twitter to say it was a joke and that you and Tom were just friends. You hated lying to your fans about the nature of your relationship, and Tom wasn’t fond of it either. You didn’t want to lie anymore. You were ready for the world to know. And yet, the worst secret keeper in Hollywood was determined to keep it a secret.
It all started with social media.
You had stirred up rumors that you and Tom were dating when you dyed your hair red after being cast as MJ and posted a photo of it, captioning it “Face it tiger…”. Tom couldn’t help himself from commenting “I hit the jackpot.” The Spider-Man and MJ reference did not go over people’s heads and the rumors were born.
“This would be such a cute way to confirm our relation.” You smiled as your scrolled through the comments of your picture. “We should tell them.”
“Not yet, darling. I’m not ready for the world to know.” Tom said, much to your disappointment.
“Okay. No, I get it.” You gave him a small smile and kissed his cheek, dropping the subject.
A few weeks later, you sent out a tweet that read, “Tom just hit a pothole so hard that he’s American now.”, leaving fans to wonder why you were together on your day off.
“They caught us. They know we’re on a date.” You said from the passenger seat.
“Friends can hang out on days off. That doesn’t mean we’re a couple.” Tom replied and you looked over at him.
“But we are a couple.” You reminded him, a little hurt at his phrasing.
“They don’t need to know that. I wouldn’t even respond to it. Don’t feed the flame.” Tom shrugged and shot you a smile. You faked a smile back and nodded.
“You’re right. I won’t respond.” You put your phone down and looked out the window, hoping he couldn’t sense your disappointment.
Then, it escalated to interviews.
“Does your friendship ever interfere with shooting the romantic scenes? Like, were you ever shooting a cuddling scene or a date scene where you were grossed out because you had to do romantic things with your friend?” The interviewer asked. You couldn’t help but laugh at the irony.
“Was it weird to do romantic things with my friend Tom? That’s a great question.” You said and Tom laughed from beside you, also seeing the irony. “It was pretty weird since we are such good friends.”
“The best of friends.” Tom egged on.
“Definitely.” You gave an over exaggerated nod. “He’s like family to me.”
“Like brother and sister.” Tom added and you burst out laughing. Tom laughed at your reaction and suddenly, you’re both hunched over laughing while the interviewer watched with a confused smile.
“I don’t think it was weird.” You said after you calmed down. “I have such a respect for Tom and I really admire his work as an actor, and I assume he feels the same for me-“
“More or less.” Tom joked.
“-so it wasn’t too bad.” You finished and elbowed him slightly.
“Was the first time you kissed awkward?” The interviewer asked.
“In the movie or-“ Tom began, forgetting the rest of the world didn’t know that you’d have a first kiss as Peter and MJ and a first kiss as a couple.
“No, it wasn’t awkward.” You quickly cut him off before he blew your cover. “At the end of the day, we’re both professionals and it’s just kissing. We do it all the time now.”
“Sometimes off screen. And that’s not a joke.” Tom brought up. “Especially during filming, I would sometimes forget we weren’t actually together and I’d walk into a room and kiss her.”
You smiled at the memory, remembering all the stolen kisses before you’d made it official.
“How did everyone else react?” The interviewer asked.
“They acted like it was completely normal.” You answered.
“Because for us, it was.” Tom shrugged.
“I will say, it did get complicated kissing you when were were shooting our reunion scene in Endgame because I had to be careful of your balls.” You said.
“What?” Tom nearly gasped. You realized how it sounded and slapped a hand over your mouth.
“Motion sensor balls. The little white motion sensor balls.” You quickly explained. “Oh my God. I meant the balls on the motion caption suit.”
“I was about to say.” Tom laughed at your accident innuendo.
“Ask the next question, please.” You pleaded to get out of the awkward moment.
“So did you guys meet through this movie?” The interviewer saved you.
“Yes. We met while filming Infinity War when no one had any idea our characters were going to date.” You answered confidently to redeem yourself.
“We were always paired together for junkets and she gradually became my best friend. Sorry Haz.” Tom apologized to the camera.
“It’s great that you guys were able to click. Your chemistry in the movie is really outstanding.” The interviewer complimented. “I’m sure that’s due to the friendship you’ve built off screen.”
“Yeah, I mean it always helps to be friends with your scene partner. And when we would have to spend hours in a prop bed together, cuddling and kissing while they got the perfect shot, it made us even closer. And as for the chemistry, I guess it kinda happened naturally.” You smiled shyly.
“Here’s a clip from the upcoming film.” The interview said to the camera. A scene from Far From Home played where Peter and MJ awkwardly yet adorably flirting with each other on the London Bridge. You couldn’t help but lovingly watch Tom as the clip played, overly proud of his job in the film.
“We do have great chemistry.” Tom nodded after the clip played. “We should date.” He added and you laughed.
“The fans would love that. I’m sure you’ve seen the campaigns online for you two to get together.” The interviewer remarked.
“We’ve seen it. Or at least, I have. Have you?” You asked Tom.
“I started the campaign.” Tom deadpanned.
“Oh, okay.” You nodded causally. You both kept a straight face for as long as you could before you burst into laughter. You curled into Toms side and laughed until your sides hurt.
“So is this really just a friendship? Nothing more?” The interviewer asked skeptically.
“No. We’re just really good friends.” Tom said firmly. You smile slowly faded and you gave a curt nod. For the rest of the interview, you were in autopilot. Every time you thought Tom was ready to tell the world, he hit you with the “just friends” line. It wasn’t him calling you “friend” that hurt you. It was him saying “just”. Every time he said it, he chipped into your heart. It hurt you to hear him play your relationship off as “just” anything.
At the next interview with Jimmy Kimmel, you had a bigger slip than usual.
“I love the pants Tom.” Jimmy complimented a few minutes into the interview. “But I do miss you in the Spiderman suit.”
“Oh, thank you.” Tom smiled and smoothed out his grey patterned pants. “My girlfriend picked them out.” He said causally. His eyes widened and you did your best to keep a neutral expression.
“Girlfriend?” Jimmy asked with a cheeky smile.
“Oh, Uh, yeah. I’ve been seeing someone for a while now. I wasn’t supposed to let that slip so no one tell her.” Tom grimaced before looking into the camera. “Sorry, baby. She is really good at fashion though. She picked out most of my outfits for the press tour.”
“Well I have to say, your girlfriend has great taste.” Jimmy said.
“Thank you.” You answered, then cleared your throat to cover up the slip up. Tom caught your mistake and stifled a laugh.
“What was that, Y/n?” Tom asked coyly, knowing full well what you had accidentally said.
“I said she’s gonna kill you.” You lied through a smile.
“You’ve met her?” Jimmy asked you and you thought quickly on your feet.
“Oh yes. I know her very well.” You nodded. It wasn’t a total lie. You knew yourself pretty well.
“So you guys are friends?” Jimmy continued.
“No. I cannot stand that girl.” You laughed and Tom rolled his eyes. If he wasn’t gonna admit that his girlfriend was you, you were gonna have some fun.
“Here we go.” Tom sighed and the audience laughed.
“Why not?” Jimmy inquired.
“Because all she does is talk about herself.” You said. Tom laughed the irony and you giggled yourself.
“Well what about you? Do you have a boyfriend?” Jimmy asked.
“I do have a boyfriend but he’s the worst.” You confirmed. Tom gave you a half cracked smile.
“What?” He asked, practically daring you to go on.
“Why do you say that?” Jimmy laughed.
“He can’t keep a secret to save his life.” You shrugged. “Except the one. He’s really good at keeping one.”
Tom knew exactly what you were doing and he couldn’t even blame you. He didn’t say anything, but patted your knee and left his hand there.
“So he’s like Tom then?” Jimmy said. “Tom, you’ve become infamous in Hollywood as being loose lipped.”
“He is not loose lipped, his lips are very nice.” You defended and Tom smiled shyly. “He just gets too excited and lets things slip.”
“Like you during that one scene.” Tom spoke up. You knew what he was talking about and your face reddened.
“Stop.” You warned.
“What did she let slip?” Jimmy wondered.
“Oh My God. This story is so embarrassing.” You whined as you covered your face in your hands. Tom laughed at your discomfort and took your hand.
“We were shooting the “steamy”, as one night call it, scene in the film and she was supposed to say “Peter”, you know my characters name, in like a breathy voice.” Tom explained.
“I’d like to preface that this was an accident.” You cut in.
“So we’re shooting the scene and right in my ear she goes “Tom…I mean Peter”. But the whole thing comes out in like a moan and I thought it was the funniest thing ever.” Tom told the story.
“It was so embarrassing! The whole crew heard.” You groaned while Tom and the audience laughed at your expense.
You and Tom walked into your shared hotel room after the interview and allowed yourselves to relax. While you were setting your purse down on the bed, Tom came behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. You leaned into his embrace and smiled.
“That went a lot better than I thought. If people think we’re dating other people, they’ll stop asking us if we’re together. This will totally throw them off.” Tom said and he kissed your temple. Your smile dropped as you turned around in his arms.
“Or, we could use this as an opportunity to tell them the truth about us. They know you have a girlfriend. Why not tell them that girlfriend is me?” You asked.
“Because my fans will come at you with a fiery vengeance. It’s better if they think you’re just my best friend. Trust me, darling, you don’t want them to know it’s you.” Tom tilted your chin up to look at him.
“And trust me, Tom, I do.” You said, and left his embrace.
The next day, you pretended like nothing happened for the sake of all the junkets you had to get through. You could tell Tom was sorry from the guilty looks he kept giving you, but you wouldn’t look back at him.
“What’s the best part of the press tour?” The interviewer asked.
“Getting to spend all day with my best friend.” You laud the word on thick as you wrapped your arms around Toms neck and covered his cheek in kisses. He got your point and let you do it as his way of apologizing. The interviewer laughed along, knowing the effect your actions would have on the fans.
“It’s great that you two are best friends. Is this press tour similar to the Homecoming one where you had to spend all day with Robert?” Tom was asked.
“That was a lot different. Robert has more of a godfather role in my life. I can go to him for advice, but I can’t play table tennis with him at three am in the hotel lobby like I can with Y/n.” Tom answered. You were warmed back up to him and gave him a gentle smile.
“And what’s your relationship with him like?” The interviewer asked you.
“He’s like my dad. He used to carry bandaids around just because I got hurt so much on set.” You replied.
“I remember that. He was always prepared. I went to Robert once when I was sick and he hooked me up to this crazy machine. I was super scared but it’s Robert Downey Jr., so I wasn’t gonna say no.” Tom chimed in.
“He makes Marvel lower your paycheck every time you say no to him.” You joked.
“Exactly. So I let him hook me up to it and it totally cured me. I was better in 15 minutes.” Tom continued.
“Aw. That’s so funny to think of Robert playing doctor on set. I guess your relationship with him is similar to Tony’s relationship with Peter?” The interview asked Tom.
“Definitely, definitely. Minus the fighting crime together and dying in his arms, obviously.” Tom replied.
“Mr. Junior, I don’t feel so good.” You cut in with a laugh. Tom and the interviewer stopped and looked at you.
“What?” Tom asked with a growing smile.
“I said Mr. Junior, I don’t feel so good. Like Mr. Stark I don’t feel so good.” You explained. You looked at Tom in confusion as he and the interviewer shared a look.
“What?” Tom repeated.
“Because you said your relationship was similar so I said-“ You began.
“No, I heard what you said.” Tom cut you off. “Who’s Mr. Junior?”
“Robert.” You replied, still confused why everyone was making a big deal.
“It’s Mr. Downey.” Tom said and began to laugh.
“Why would it be Mr. Downey? You wouldn’t be Mr. Stanley. It’s the last name. Mr. Junior.” You said again, feeling yourself growing frustrated.
“Yes, and his last name is Downey. My middle name is Stanley.” Tom explained.
You sat in silence for a moment, contemplating what Tom was saying.
“Did you think his last name was Junior?” Tom broke the silence.
“No?” You said as more of a question than a statement.
“Have you seriously thought Roberts last name was Junior this entire time?” The interviewer asked, also laughing at you.
“I thought Downey was his middle name!” You shrieked.
“What?!” Tom asked and burst into laughter. You felt your face redden as the crew laughed at you as well.
“I thought he was Robert Downey Junior!” You said each name separately. “I thought he just used his full name like Neil Patrick Harris.”
“No.” Tom said in exasperation. “His fathers also named Robert so he’s Robert Downey Jr.”
“But he goes by RDJ! That implies that the “J” is a part of his initials.” You exclaimed.
“I cannot believe we’re having this conversation right now.” Tom said as he wiped a happy tear from his eye.
“How did you think I feel?” You asked.
“I can’t handle this. You’re so ridiculous.” Tom choked out through his laughter. “I love you.” You restrained yourself from telling him you loved him back, knowing you couldn’t possibly make it sound platonic.
“Aw.” The interviewer gushed. “You two are such cute friends.”
“Yeah.” You gave a tight lipped smile. “Friends.”
As the press tour neared its end, your ability to keep the secret worsened.
Tom gave you a quick kiss on the lips before the cameras started rolling. The interviewer almost caught it, but you pulled away quickly before he could.
“What is that?” Tom asked as you bite into something orange sometime during the junket.
“A carrot.” You shrugged as your chewed.
“Where did you get carrots?” Tom laughed in confusion.
“The snack table outside.” You replied as you ate another one.
“There’s a snack table? Oh, that’s why you tasted like peppers.” He realized. Neither of you realized what he said but the interviewer raised an eyebrow.
“You know I can’t resist some peppy boys.” You told him. “That better be cut out.” You warned the camera.
“You say that every interview.” Tom pointed out.
“It feels warranted every interview.” You giggled. “You know I debated stealing some of the pineapple from the snack table to take home?”
“Of course you did. You and your smoothies.” Tom rolled his eyes.
“I love smoothies! Is that a crime?” You turned in your seat to ask him.
“Yes! You drink a smoothie every morning and then get hungry twenty minutes later. You guys, she does not eat enough.” Tom said to the camera.
“It’s better than you and your thirty jars of jelly in the refrigerator because someone can’t go a day without toast.” You shot back.
“Oh, do you guys live together?” The interviewer asked in surprise.
You and Tom blinked in surprise at accidentally revealing that fact.
“Uhh, yeah. We’re um…” You started.
“Roommates.” Tom said quickly. “I live in the UK but I work mainly in the States, so I live with Y/n when I’m here.”
“Roommates? How cute.” The interviewer smiled.
“Just adorable.” You mumbled.
You dropped your purse on the hotel bed that night and put you hands on your hips. Without even looking at you, Tom could sense you anger. He sheepishly looked up at you and gave you a weak grin.
“I’m sorry?” He offered.
“For what?” You demanded.
“I don’t know. You haven’t told me yet.” He said.
“Roommates? You told him we were roommates?” You asked, not bothering to mask the hurt in your voice.
“Well why else would we live together?” Tom defended his answer.
“I don’t know, maybe because we’ve been in a committed relationship for over a year.” You grumbled. Tom heard the frustration in your voice and and put a gentle hand on your arm.
“But they don’t know that, darling.” He said softly.
“But I want them too. You keep pushing back telling our fans. You said we’d tell them before the press tour.” You said, feelings tears rise to your eyes.
“Yes, but then I realized all the interviews would focus on our relationship and not the movie.” Tom reminded you. “We needed to promote the movie.”
“No one needs to promote Marvel movies! They’re Marvel movies!” You exclaimed.
“I don’t understand why you’re so upset over this, sweetheart. We agreed not to tell our fans.” Tom tried to talk you down.
“We agreed not to tell our fans right away. It’s been a year Tom. Do you not want them to know?” You sighed.
“I like my privacy, love. I don’t want the world intruding on us. I love you too much to share.” Tom cupped your face in his hands but you looked away.
“You say you love me, but tell the world I’m nothing but a best friend.” You said sadly. “Or worse, a roommate.”
“I don’t know what to tell you, angel. I’m sorry.” Tom apologized. You dropped the subject and went to bed without another word. You were cold towards Tom all the next day until your interview that night, the last of the press tour.
The media frenzy of rumors came to an end during a game of Charades on Jimmy Fallon. You were on Jimmy’s team, leaving Tom and Benedict as your opponents. You shot flirty banter back and forth all game until finally, your team won.
“Haha.” You pointed a jeering finger at Tom as you got off the couch and approaching him. He had his bottom lip between his teeth as he watched you with pure joy. “Just like the War of 1812, the British lost-“ You couldn’t finish your burn because Tom had pulled you into a kiss.
“Sorry, darling. You looked so cute up there. I couldn’t resist.” He mumbled against your lips.
“Wait, are you two together?” Jimmy asked, interrupting the moment. He was looking back and forth between you and Tom and the camera. You realized that the moment occurred on live television and suddenly felt shyer than you ever had before.
Tom looked at you, allowing you to be the one to confirm it after wanting too for so long. You looked into the camera and smirked.
“Truth is…I am dating Tom Holland.” You said in true Tony Stark fashion. The audience irrupted into applause and you couldn’t stop your smile from breaking through. Tom looked at you fondly and pulled you into a hug.
“You didn’t have to do that.” You mumbled against his chest.
“Yes I did.” He whispered into your ear. “love my privacy, but I love you more.”
Tag List 🏷
@maybemona @foreverxholland @writing-for-hours-on-end @lavender-writer @captainmandeestudent17 @whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings @ultrunning @imyourliquor-youremypoison @theolwebshooter @andreasworlsboring101 @guksmyfav @waiting-to-be-myself @letsloveimagines @ho-ho-holland @peterparkoure @a-villain-vying-for-attention @m19friend @justcallmehitgirl @averyfosterthoughts @jackiehollanderr @tiny-friggin-human @celestial-skylines @loveat2am @mara-twins @iamaunicorn4704 @delicately-important-trash @mjspxrker @spideygirl2003 @the-crazy-fanfictionist @kii-mii @maryjanee23 @spacebitch2 @vgiselle @geeksareunique
#tom holland x reader#tom holland x yn#tom holland x you#tom holland x actress!reader#tom holland fluff#tom holland fanfiction#tom holland imagine#marvel#peter parker x reader#spiderman#peter parker imagine#fic rec
3K notes
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sadness over a3! eng i guess
oof just on my 700th day.....
kinda sad because of the announcement about A3! ENG server shutting down soon due to financial difficulties at LIBER/CYBIRD in the past two years (covid-19 related, etc.). according to a rather in depth reddit comment that had links to LIBER's publicly available financial reports + some financial reports from LIBER's parent company, Aeria, in english, covid-19 really hit LIBER hard since they had to cancel many money making events, from pop-up shops for the typical anime merch trinkets (keychains, plushes, pins, etc.) to the huge in-person events (voice actor meetups, the stage plays of MANKAI LIVE, etc.). due to shrinking player base on the ENG server + major loss of profits on both JPN and ENG servers, LIBER had to choose one or the other and they chose the JPN one, which i totally understand since it's way bigger there and the JPN fanbase will continue to give the franchise money more often. also, another person found a financial report/estimate from the google play store or something, and A3! ENG only made ~$20K to ~$10K in the past few months, which i guess is not enough to keep a server and localization company afloat.
i got pretty attached to the characters and it was a great game to help get by during college. and honestly, while i am very sad about this, again, i understand why LIBER did this, looking at their financial report from 2020. I would LIBER save the entire franchise rather than shut all the servers down, making us all unable to see our favorite actors ever again, even if it means that we ENG fans will have to go thru the extra steps of finding/reading fan translations, wikis, etc., to read any further stories from where A3! ENG left off. still, A3! ENG's localization was something special. i'm saying this as a TKRB JPN player who read the wiki for all the character voice lines and then had to see the official TKRB ENG localization make Yamabushi Kunihiro a rapper for some reason? lol. it was....weird.... meanwhile, all the memes and slang in A3! ENG didn't seem out of place and all fit their personalities because 3/4 of the troupes were all high school to college age and 3 of them were ~Gamers~. Out of all the gachas i've played, i feel like the only other F2P gacha game that had this incredibly smooth, all cultural jokes/puns translated in a way that still makes sense/fits the character/doesn't require a galaxy brain and some TL note to understand, is probably dragalia lost and that's only because it has frickin Nintendo localizing/publishing it globally for CyGames. Nintendo. i'll eventually read the fan translations of A3!'s Act 3 on the wiki, but it won't be the same without Kazunari's super high-energy influencer slang of "'whoa fam! that's totes 'blammable, gotta take a pic!" or Itaru's gremlin Gamer speak of "lol get rekt noobs" or Tsuzuru's tired dying breath of "that ain't it chief." the appropriate slang and relatable meme speak of the localization really helped humanize these characters as people of their respective ages, rather than just a typical formal speak or some directly translated JPN slang -> ENG that turns out super awkward that can be found in bad localizations.
going back to the reddit comment too, the death of A3! ENG servers could have bad repercussions in the future for other joseimuke games. josei, if you for some reason have been in the anime fandom but still don't know this term, is basically the genre of stories/video games/media/etc aimed at women. it's the mature adult counterpart to seinen, media aimed at adult men. basically shoujo/shonen = elementary/middle school/high school aimed while josei/seinen = high school/college/adult aimed if that helps. Joseimuke is a part of josei that is not specifically romance. while some josei/joseimuke can overlap with otome, aka female aimed dating sims/romance media, they have many things about them that make these all separate genres. one of the official A3! ENG translators and a known fan translator of another joseimuke gacha, Mahou Yaku/Wizard’s Promise, minami, goes more in depth with this in a twitter thread.
A3! was an actor raising game, and a big part of it was found family and relationships that were platonic. yet it got advertised as an otome, which has more connotations with dating sims and brings to mind other shoujo/otome games and anime where the cast is all high schoolers and the setting is most often in a high school. but, other than some characters making flirty jokes or implied to have crushes on Izumi/player character, many character relationships with Izumi are platonic and not romantic at all. Spring Troupe in the game also jokingly calls themself a family. the entire Mankai Company is basically found family. plus, since the game actually has time passing in story and the characters age with each year, half of the characters aren’t even in high school anymore. a large majority of them are in college or are graduated by now, with only a few still in high school. i’m not surprised if a reason that some people left the game was due to feeling bored with the slice of life/not romantic story, feeling that they were lied to about it being an otome, which was falsely advertised since it is a game meant for the older teens/adults demographic of josei/joseimuke.
i’m worried that other japanese companies will look at this shut down as a “josei/joseimuke doesn’t work well in the west” and never localize other josei/joseimuke gacha games like Mahou Yaku, EnStars, Twisted Wonderland, Helios, etc.
while i like otome and shoujo, i, as a 23/soon to be 24 year old college graduate and now tax paying adult, want more stories that have more mature themes and characters that are more my age so i don’t have to feel awkward when i’m playing some dating sim and i, a literal 23 year old adult, and trying to woo a 16 year old. it’s...a little awkward to say the least. i would gladly welcome more mature media that is categorized as josei/joseimuke.
sorry if this is all over the place, but overall im just sad that A3! ENG is shutting down. i don’t know if i’ll join the JPN server yet. i’m def going to read the Act 3 story via fan translators on the wiki, but A3! gameplay was...boring lmao. as much as i love A3!, im sure that the constant event grind/burnout and boring rng gameplay turned people off too and i dont blame them. i felt the burnout bad since i participated in basically every event since day 1. it. is. rough. i’m not joining the hellish thunderdome that is the JPN server and im not ranking anymore as a F2P player lmao. literally had to play almost every waking free moment to get into the 30%-20% bracket as a F2P person and i never got to top 20%-10%, much less top 1% lmao. i’m don’t whale enough lol.
i feel like i should probably just. crack open my genki 2 textbook and uhhh totally legal pdf copy of tobira. so i can just. get the JPN version of games in the first place so i don’t have to worry about getting shafted since overseas fans are often considered expendable.
i wish that, when any games that are online end, gacha or mmo or anything, anything online, companies will let fans archive things. or like. release a book that is just the story text or something. like. CYBIRD is letting us still technically play the game and have the story and all, but what if they eventually later shut everything down? why not just release a pdf/ebook that’s just the text of the eng localization for some money? i’d buy it. for nostalgia and rereads and all and also archiving purposes. i think i’ll try to help with any english localization archive projects if i can so that the hilarious and incredible localization that was a work of love from the translation team doesn’t just disappear forever.
that’s it for now. as i said, guess i’ll head to the app for one of the last times to read the last unread stories and mini stories i have left, then the wiki for Act 3, and then i guess i’ll crack open genki 2 and bunpo.....
some fun random links for you to think about!
random ffxi article that came to mind (if ffxiv ever shuts down in the next 20 years or whatever i’d be cool to get a statue of my character at the end)
and death of a game playlist by NerdSlayer Studios on Youtube that has me thinking a lot about game preservation and losing MMOs and games
the lost media wiki and blameitonjorge’s lost media iceberg
other gacha games i’ve played that have shut down that i think about sometimes because the loss of A3! ENG isn’t my first rodeo:
terra battle & terra battle 2 (1)
(related kitsu post link for archive reasons)
13 notes
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olive | chapter one

pairing: actor!Tom Holland x actor!reader
words: 3.5k ish
warnings: swearing, mentions of sex and smut (in between the ***)
a/n: special thanks for @stuckonspidey for helping me not only start a kinda guideline for this story, but go over the beginning of this chapter, go check out Lilly’s works!
I also am taking name suggestions for one of the characters (little miss diva celebrity personal) as im horrid at coming up with names and also want to involve you! (That’s why she don’t have a name in this yet lol) so send me an ask with your suggestions!
series masterlist
You couldn’t believe it. How could it even be comprehended of what was going on when it felt like a dream?
bro, you’re living every Instagram jealous fangirl’s dream right now…
Man, you couldn’t even imagine the backlash you’d be getting after this once everyone knew.
Let’s hope they never find out.
Maybe this whole ordeal should be explained...
You had been at an after-party for the first big movie you did, well it was a featuring role, that the character literally had a sex scene with Sebastian Stan- yeah you know what you’re thinking, he’s a literal Greek god heaven-sent being- we all know.
Anyways me being me found him way too unattainable- God all those marvel actors and actresses were-, especially after the mishap of seeing his butt naked self before the scene, and him telling you it was fine because you were like his “little sister”. Either way, he was a no go, and you kinda wanted to find someone to take home. you hadn’t been laid in a while, and after seeing Sebastian naked you kinda needed relief.
you were looking for someone more in your league scanning the room, until Seb decided to bombard you at the bar, with probably another one of his actor friends he wanted to introduce you to.
Yeah, heh… I know how this sounds, but you two actually became pretty close on set, as the lead to his opposite, was a total snob, and Seb couldn’t stand her so you’d do a spot-on impression of her while roasting her, and Seb and you got along pretty well because of that. You’re probably questioning: why Seb? Of all people why would a famous person like him get along with a weirdo like me?
Boy, do I look like I know?
in all your years it would still probably be a mystery till you died.
Throughout the night Seb had been introducing you to all his friends and helping you “network” even though they all knew you sucked. That still didn’t stop you from having a small heart attack every time it was an actor you admire.
This time maybe was a little different because you had downed some drinks, and was a little more… bodacious? That’s probably the worst description you could come up with but it is what it is... anyways it was the only way you could get through the night without completely dying of being in front of literal heaven-sent beings.
“Hey Y/n! you’d like you to meet one of my pals!” Sebastian yelled over the music, cutting through people to get to me.
you were sitting at the bar just getting another martini with olives. Before taking a sip you saw him. Holy guacamole! He was definitely out of your league, but alas, he was trailing Sebastian, coming over to you, with you almost doing a spit take. you knew who he was, but man, was he ever hotter in person! pictures did not do his beauty justice.
“Hey, Sebby, who’s the next victim you’re introducing to moi?” you ask, stirring your drink with the olives.
Seb shook his head at you, with a smirk on his face
“This is Tom, and Tom this is the infamous Y/n.” you definitely rolled your eyes at that one.
“It’s a Pleasure.” He says all gentleman-like.
Just as Sebastian is about to speak, none other than the stuck up lead of the movie calls over to him.
“Sebastian, they're taking group photos of the main character’s with Drake Doremus, our director.”
You could tell Sebastian refrained from rolling his eyes at the way she was smirking at you.
“Sorry Tom! Y/n and I have to go-”
“Uh, Sebastian, they want the main cast. No extras.” she snarkily snaps.
“She’s not an extra she’s a featuring role and y/n-”
“I’m fine here entertaining Tom. Besides I’m all photoed out.” you cut him off quickly trying to deescalate the situation before Seb snapped on her causing a scene for all the hungry photographers to eat up.
“See? She doesn’t want to get in the way of our spotlight. I’ll meet you over there.” she blows a kiss at Sebastian and walks over to our director.
“Are you sure about this y/n? Because you know Drake would be fine with it, and she has no say over it anyways and-”
“I’m fine, and anyways, it would be rude to leave your friend here when you just introduced us.” you comforted giving the most genuine smile you can.
He dramatically sighs, raising his arms in surrender, “Well if she ends up in the pool, it’s not my fault.”
You laugh and wave him off before turning your attention to the arachnid superhero sitting beside you now at the bar. You sit in silence for a bit, admiring his freckles and eyes before speaking up.
“I’m sorry about all of that she can sometimes be such a-”
“I was going to say Diva but that works too” you giggle as he starts to laugh with you.
“So Mister Spider-man, what made you come over here to be introduced to me?”
“I’m gonna be honest, I didn’t know anything about you till today, and seeing you act in this movie, I really am a fan of yours. Your acting ability in just this one movie blew me away!” He says intently, gazing into my eyes.
“You’re just saying that because I have a sex scene in the movie. It’s also probably just because of Sebastian’s acting. Or maybe you were turned on. ” you joke winking at him as you turn towards the bar, almost finishing your drink for the second time
He laughs, with a sly smirk on his face, “maybe.”
Before you can respond Sebastian interrupts.
“Hey, sorry I took so long, Miss Diva needed her ‘best angles’”
You internally groan. You just got cock blocked by the one you wanted before this whole ordeal.
“Well, I think I’m going to head out. We’re still on for breakfast tomorrow right?” Tom says, getting up abruptly.
“Yeah, Unless Y/n wants to bail on breakfast then we're still on, Then golf which Y/n will definitely bail on.” Sebastian jokes.
You were almost speechless, Seb said you’d meet some of his closest friends at the big brunch tomorrow. At least you’d be seeing him tomorrow. Maybe Sebastian set this all up? Either way, you weren’t turning down the opportunity.
“Well, uh I better get back to my hotel as well. We need to get up bright and early, and you know I need my sleep.” you mention, before downing the rest of your drink- very unladylike- and popping the olives into your mouth cringing a bit while eating them.
You hated olives, but it felt like such a waste to not eat them. You may have been in ‘high society’ but you still knew how rude it would have been, at least in your head it was.
“Party poopers. I’m gonna go say my goodbyes. Don’t wait for me.” Sebastian turns away going towards a group of his friends.
“I have a car coming, I can drop you off?”
“Oh, uh- are you sure? I don’t want to be a burde-”
“You’re not at all! Great company so far if you ask me,” he comments so… gentleman like.
You fight the urge to roll your eyes, and Once you got up and going, with Tom trailing behind you, you had to dodge a couple of waiters, apologizing every time, before really bumping into a waiter, who accidentally pushes Miss Diva, who wobbles before falling into the pool.
You stand there in shock almost watching as she, in slow motion falls into the pool, screaming on the way down.
As soon as she emerges, she looks dead eyes at you, with looks that could literally, and probably would kill you.
Everyone falls silent before Sebastian, from across the pool breaks out into a fit of laughter and yells for you to “run”. Everyone who worked in the film and even the waiter starts to laugh along. Drake, your director takes out his phone before snapping a few photos.
“AH! I‘m gonna kill you Y/n!” she screams at you before trying to swim to the ladder of the pool.
“Here,” Tom says before handing a hefty tip to the waiter before grabbing your hand and pulling you to the exit, “C’mon Y/n!”
The only thing that ran through your mind was “Holy shit. I’m dead now.”
Tom kept dragging you, to the entrance, through the paparazzi, and into the car, which mind you, the car was really nice, almost tumbling onto him.
“I’m a dead man now” you chanted a couple of times, before Tom started laughing really obnoxiously.
“Dude! You think me being six feet under is funny?!” ,You try not to giggle along to the now almost intoxicating sound, before hearing a pinging of his phone.
“Y/n, you’ll be trending for being Hollywood's hero!” He says before checking his device, “Trust me when I say she has no fanbase, at least won’t after this video Sebastian just sent me.”
“What?” you say stunned, before Tom shows you the video.
“That Fucking Bitch Y/n! You All saw that?! Y/n pushed me in purposely! She’s only out to get me, the talent of the movie! Talentless little bit-”
Sebastain cuts in the video “Yeah we’ve all heard it, you think you’re so much better than Y/n, Blah, Blah, Blah! You’ve treated her like shit from day one, and all she’s ever been was kind to you! I think karma is finally getting to you!”
Then your director steps in, “Well, I have news, we’re doing another movie, but in this time, Y/n has been bumped to lead role! I’m not so sure where your contract lies anymore though... Maybe it's just floating around in the water like your louboutins!”
Everyone cheers in applause in the video, chanting your name before it ends.
“What?! No, no, no! I don't deserve this because of a faulty point! She doesn't deserve this either! I know she's mean but to steal away from her talent and for someone to post that video?! She doesn't deserve that!”
You started to freak out. Not only would she murder you if she had the chance, but no one deserved, not even she deserved the worst of what was going to come from the backlash from that video.
“Please tell me no one posted it!” you ask frantically.
“No, not yet, I’ll tell Seb not to, but I don’t think he can stop all the people who videotaped it.” He almost cringes, looking guilty.
“It’s fine I’ll just tweet something in the morning.” you sigh covering your face before telling tom where your hotel was.
It was almost upsetting, you felt like a second choice because of a bad apple in the batch, and you were the next.
“Hey Y/n? I know we don’t know each other well, but even though she might be booted down, or even off the next movie, your talent is real, and it doesn't take away from what you can do. From what I got from you already is that you're beautiful inside and out, as cheesy as it sounds.”
What the fuck. He was a fucking sweetheart. Let’s hope the fucking part litterally.
“Thanks Tom.”
You sit in an almost comfortable silence, all the way till you get to your hotel.
Once stepping out, Tom speaks up “Goodnight Y/n.”
“Dream of me Tom.” you wink before heading up to think of the game plan for tomorrow.
Once you got into bed, you couldn’t help but think of him.
Why did he have to be so nice? Like god, did sweet guys ever make you horny.
Oh shit. Tom Freaking Holland made you this way.
Lets just say, you really did dream of him, probably because you thought of him while- well you know before falling asleep.
“Tommy!” you moaned loudly, as he went down on you, licking stripes from the base of your pussy to your clit.
He moaned onto your sensitive clit, sending vibrations all the way up your body, and especially to your core.
You could feel yourself getting close. His iron (man™️) grip on your thighs had you wishing it would never end and then-
Your obnoxious ringtone you had for Sebastian went off abruptly waking you up. You had set it to a fucked up sounding avengers theme song.
“What the Fu-”
“Y/n uh, apparently there's a shit ton of paparazzi at your hotel right now… do you still want to go to the brunch?
You pause, “What? The Fuck?” you continue to look outside your window and sure enough, there's a hoard of them outside.
You really weren't sure about going, until you got a call from an unknown number.
“Uh I’m getting another call gimme a sec-” you end the call with seb before answering the mystery person.
“Hey Y/n it’s me, Tom, Im uh almost in the back alley of your hotel waiting for you, I mean, only if you want to come, you were on my way anyways so i thought-”
“Hey Tom,uh yeah- okay, I’ll be down in twenty?” You say rushing around trying to find your suitcase.
“Okay, I’ll uh, tell Seb we’re coming soon”
Tom hangs up after you say goodbye, and couldn't help the grin that reached his face being almost smacked back into reality by his brother, Harry and best friend, Harrison, goofing off.
“You div! You almost ruined my hair!” Harrison whines, as Harry rolls his eyes.
You, on the other hand, were rushing around taking a Guinness world record shower, before drying your hair, putting on minimal face shit, because thanks to Tom you didn't have time, and putting on an outfit that made you feel super cute and ready for golfing, well, watching it.
You weren’t much of a sport player, minus the competitive side that came out as soon as anyone challenged you. Then suddenly, you were an allstar (by smash mouth p.s fuck smash mouth) at whatever came your way.
Lets just hope you had this in the bag if someone challenged you.
Your phone buzzed and you jumped, before quickly answering the texts you had gotten.
‘Are you coming?’
‘Yes seb im coming soon ;)’
‘Hey y/n it’s tom were here when your ready :)’
‘Wrong “you’re” but im coming lol ;)’
As you made your way down, Tom kept fiddling in his seat, trying to relax yet impress you. He just had to get over her, and you were the perfect solution for that. He didn't want to use you or anything, just have some casual fun that will help him move on.
As soon as you come into sight, of course looking both ways of the alley because who knows who's lurking, or going to hit you like Regina George, Tom couldn't help but almost drool in admiring you. You had your gorgeous legs on display, almost gleaming in the sunlight starting to peek through the alley, and your hair, looking almost effortless in your hairstyle, that took you like, five minutes to do.
As soon as you got into the car, Tom was snapped out of his daze, quickly trying to catch himself before being caught.
“Hey Y/n! You remember Harry? And this is Harrison. Harrison, Y/n-”
“Y/n I’m a really big fan! Maybe not as big as Tom’s di-”
“Mate! Shut up!” Harry jabs Harrison in the side. You couldn't help but laugh at the interaction.
“Y/n i’m sorry about these divs.” he glares at them red in the face which makes you laugh even harder.
“It’s fine, I’m used to it from my catty family.”
“Oi! We’re not catty!” Harry says before Harrison gives him a wet willy in the ear.
And that's when you started to block out their fighting to focus on Tom.
“So uh, how many people will be at this? Sebastian totally didn't tell me for legal purposes of marvel-people-are-coming-so-don’t-tell-y/n-or-else-she’ll-freak-out.” You joke before earning a snort from Tom.
“Uh well, if you really want to know, the people I know are coming are Anthony Mackie, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson- you should close your mouth love, don't want any flies in there.”
You couldn't help but have your jaw slacked, and mouth hanging open. These were people you only had ever dreamed of meeting. You had to focus on what you wanted though. Tom was the priority, but damn were you going to freak out on the inside.
“That’s not the only thing you’re worried about going into my mouth? Right?” You joke, definitely meaning a sexual innuendo, but with a cover-up.
Now Tom’s the one with the open mouth.
“Damn bro!”
“Oh my God!”
A chorus of reactions come through from Harrison and Harry, only leading you to say,
“Well? Don’t you have a frog in yours?”
He tries to brush it off with laughter, though you could see his red face. He only hoped he didn’t have an even more noticeable way of telling he was turned on by that.
As the driver stopped, you realized you were at the restaurant, and man, was it ever a fancy and probably extorting you of all your life savings one too.
Tom almost rushed out of that vehicle, getting hotter than he should have been with the air conditioner blasting, if you were to ask, he’d blame it on the weather (we all know it’s not the weather).
You got out next, covering your face with your hand to block out some of the sun, and crossed your arm over to hold it steady, which may or may not have slightly squished your boobs together, making Tom’s mouth salivate. Man, was he ever screwed today, maybe literally as well.
As soon as he hurried into the restaurant, with you following closely behind, dogging more paparazzi, Tom goes to the front and asks where “Mr. Stan's table” is directed at the hostess. As soon as she saw Tom she looked behind to see you, which she definitely recognized the both of you, and that was pretty surprising, as you've never been recognized, other than hanging out with Sebastian, due to the movie.
“Right this way sir.” the hostess says professionally, leading you to your demise.
You were holding your breath. There were so many of them, all at once that you admired, it was going to be a difficult task. You could barely handle meeting sebastian stan, but all of your favorite celebs at once?
Once you got to the table hidden away in the corner, everyone said a chorus of greetings to Tom and friends and you.
You swallowed hard, only mustering out a small wave, before Tom pulled out a chair for you, (his momma taught him to be a gentleman) and you slid in whispering a small thank you.
Tom sat beside you to your left, with Harrison and Harry on your right. Sebastian was sitting right across from you, alongside Anthony Mackie, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans, Jeremy Renner, Chris Hemsworth, and Elizabeth Olsen surrounding the rest of the table.
“Hey everyone, so this is infamous Y/n, as you've probably seen the film or, the viral video, either way, this is her.”
“Hey! Y/n Seb here has told us so many stories about you, it’s like we already know you! You're a fan right? So who’s your favorite?”
You try to get words out but they don't seem to come. Tom notices and barges into the conversation, “It’s obviously spider-man, ‘cause i'm so her type.” Tom mentions, in a cocky yet sarcastic tone, which started a spark for you to say something.
“And apparently I'm sitting beside a div? If that's the right word you use for a blubbering idiot.” you retort, re-using the words of his own. That got you a bunch of responses of “burns” “ohs!” and laughter.
It was almost as if the tips of Tom's ears were red in embarrassment with him still laughing along. You couldn't help but laugh as well at the sight.
During the rest of the course of breakfast, you had actually been vocal and had become quite fond of the people you now could say you knew, in one brunch. You especially loved the banter between Anthony, Seb and Tom, whereas you talked mostly to Scarlett and Lizzie, as she told you to call her, and Jeremy about projects they had done, and were looking for in their next ones.
Soon you had all had finished breakfast and had gotten the checks, with your eyes almost bulging out of your head at the price.
Tom whispered into your ear, “I’ll pay, don't want your kidneys sold for this meal. Besides, I have to beat Seb in some way today.” he winks at you.
Your face feels slightly warm.
Why did he have to be so nice?
“Well we should go to the course now everyone, I know Y/n’s out of playing so she can go to the pool, cause she apparently sucks at golf even though she's never tried it.” Sebastian taunts you.
“Oh screw you Seb, I can totally do it, maybe, probably not but i'll try-”
“It’s nice to see some A list actors eat here too.”
oh shit. It was her.
#tom holland smut#tom holland x reader#tom holland imagine#tom holland fanfiction#tom holland fic#tom holland x y/n#tom holland#arvin russell#peter parker#spiderman#spider-man#arvin russell smut#arvin russell fic#peter parker x y/n#peter parker fic#peter parker x reader#peter parker fanfiction#peter parker imagine#olive
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Ahhh I've been wanting to write about this for so long ! I've been thinking a lot about the reasons behind Gon and Killua's separation, because I feel like there's something missing (and i feel like a lot of people feel this way too). To me, this entire separation feels kind of rushed, but not in a bad way, it feels like Togashi was purposefully trying to make it come out of nowhere so the reasons for their separation wouldn't be too clear.
I've seen a lot of takes on their separation where people argue that Killua left because he's mad at Gon's actions, that he's hurt about the way Gon treated him during the Chimera Ant Arc, that he needs some time alone to process everything that happens. While I don't think that's incorrect, because Killua is definitely traumatized from this whole ordeal, I also think there's something missing in this explanation. And to me, the "something missing" can be explained by the comment Killua makes. When Killua says "You're second place now", he's lying.
EDIT: If you’re stumbling onto this post... Hi ! I wrote this a whiiiiiile ago and I don’t particularly agree with what I wrote anymore. I don’t want to delete this because I think the parallels between the two situations I describe in this post are interesting, but I don’t think Killua’s reason for leaving is primarily based on his need to protect Gon. I talked about this matter in a few posts, but this one goes over it the most. In short, I believe Killua’s reason for leaving was primarily out of heartbreak and deep belief that Gon only considered him a teammate rather than a friend and separating himself from Gon was his way of trying not to get hurt with unrequited feelings. As for the “you’re second place”, I used to think it was a sentence with deep meaning on their relationship but...I like the interpretation that it’s Killua being petty. I like the idea that it’s him being dumb and insecure about his place next to Gon, feeling like he was always second place after Ging, Kite, Palm, and I like to think that him highlighting that the roles are reversed and now Gon is second place to HIM is just him being a petty gay kid. Obviously, this comment can be dismissed as a joke or interpreted differently, that’s just my interpretation as of right now !
So please, feel free to read this, but take everything I talk about with a grain of salt. It was my personal interpretation at the time, I don’t really agree with it anymore, but I’m glad I could share another point of view!
To me, everything can be explained by this simple comment that feels so out of character. "You're second place now". While it can be dismissed as a joke, a lot of readers/viewers were left absolutely shocked by the comment, and a lot of people feeling like Killua moved his attention onto Alluka too quickly.
We KNOW Killua cares about Gon a lot, even after the events of the CAA. We saw him do everything he could ever possibly do to help Gon during the CAA, putting him above everything else, worrying constantly about him, even going so far as to being willing to die alongside him. Gon was Killua's everything during CAA, he was the only reason Killua was there in the first place, he didn't care about the fate of the world or getting revenge against Pitou, he just wanted to be there for Gon. After Gon's self destruction, Killua still did everything he could to help him, returning home and going against his family to save his friend.
That's why when Killua initiates the separation and tells Gon "You're second place now", it feels so out of character, because we saw all the troubles he went through for Gon, we lived all these moments with him, so we know there's something wrong with the way he's acting. We know that, while Gon is not Killua's priority right now, he's definitely NOT second place. That's why I'm convinced Killua is lying about Gon being second place to him.
One of the other reasons I think it’s a lie, is because this isn't the first time Killua says rude things to drive Gon away to keep him from harm's way. (chapter 230)
This is the exact same situation as the separation : Killua is lying to Gon to keep him from going with him on a suicide mission. The context to this scene is that Killua and Gon think they should stop the selection orchestrated by Pitou's puppets, but they know they'll get caught. It's a very dangerous mission, and one that is not related to their goal of healing Kite. Killua seems to grab pretty well how dangerous this situation is, and tells Gon that he wants to be the one to do it, alone.
What's happening here is Killua driving Gon away to keep him away from danger, dragging all the danger and risks onto himself to protect Gon. He looks at Gon and tells him straight in the face that it'll be easier if he does it alone, that Gon would pretty much be a dead weight, and that it'd be better for them to part to go on separate missions for now. Of course, that's a lie, he’s only thinking about keeping him safe, as we can see from his overreaction in this panel :
To Killua, this mission is pretty much a suicide mission, and he wants to be the one carrying the burden, to protect and save Gon. But Gon doesn't want to be saved, he wants to help Killua : so the only way to keep him away is to emphasize the fact that he'd be a dead weight, and that Killua doesn't want him around.
The fact that these two scenes are so similar makes me further convinced that Killua is lying about Gon being second place, and that his reason to lie is to keep him safe.
I also believe that Killua has a good reason to lie, because we know that Killua lies only when he has to, as Biscuit tells him after the dodgeball match on Greed Island.
To me, the reason Killua is lying is to make Gon believe he doesn't want him around anymore. He wants to make him believe that, while their adventures were fun, he's got some other stuff to do right now and that he doesn't want Gon around. Killua is trying to purposefully drive Gon away from him by making Gon feel like he's not needed anymore. He wants to protect Gon, as he always does. Illumi wants to get a hold onto Killua and Alluka/Nanika, and he's not going to stop until he gets them. Killua is very aware of that fact, he knows that his life isn't gonna be a fun roadtrip with his sister, but more of a hellish nightmare to try and get away from Illumi.
We also know that Killua always puts Gon's well being above everything else, and right now, Gon came out of a traumatic suicidal episode, making him end up like a piece of fried chicken for the sole purpose of proving his worth. Killua was there to witness Gon's descent into madness and self-harm, he was the one to pick up the pieces, as always, and he was able to see the aftermath of Gon's actions.
I don't think it's a reach to assume that Killua will do anything to never have to witness this ever again. He doesn't want Gon to get hurt again, he doesn't want to have to witness his decaying body again, he doesn't want to put him in a situation that would make him be able to hurt himself again. Sadly, Killua can't escape the extremely dangerous situation he's in right now, and he doesn't want Gon to have to deal with it. He knows that if Illumi tried to hurt Killua in any way, Gon would do ANYTHING to protect him, would be willing to throw his life away again, and Killua doesn't want to have to witness his best friend self destructing again. So he's keeping him away. He has to, or else he knows the same situation is gonna happen.
If Killua told Gon that his brother was after him, it's 100% sure that Gon would've insisted on going with him to help him and protect him, and Killua couldn't have done anything to stop him. That's why he had to make Gon believe he doesn't want him around anymore, because that's the only way to make Gon back away. And that's why Killua is telling Gon that he's second place, that's why he's the one initiating the separation : all this to drive Gon away for the sole purpose of protecting him once again, just like he did when he went on the mission to stop the selection alone.
In short, Killua is sacrificing himself once again, sacrificing his happiness, suppressing his want to be with Gon, only to be able to keep him safe once again, even if it means having to hurt Gon and not being able to stay with him.
To me, this interpretation explains everything : why it seems like Killua moved on so fast, why he told Gon he was "second place", why the separation seemed so sudden, and why Killua looked sad when they parted : he didn't want to part, but he had to, to protect Gon.
I hope I wasn't too messy in my argumentation, this was kinda hard to write because I didn't really know how to explain my take on this scene, but I hope I conveyed what I wanted to say relatively clearly !
Of course, this doesn't invalidate all the other interpretations of this scene, I just didn't want to believe that Killua would be mad at Gon and telling him that he's second place after everything they've been through. I hope I could bring a bit of optimism ! Thank you for reading !
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What do you think the female lis’ families are like? I feel like only the guys talk about their families, with the exception being Talia talking about her parents and brother I don’t think any of the other girls do at all
hi anon thanks for the ask, hope my headcanons make sense
pretty nuclear family, an older brother, her mum and her dad
her older brother’s maybe 4 years older or so, not enough that they never saw each other but enough that they didn’t really meet in school or anything
and that’s definitely why she meshes so well with the Jake even though they have like 6 years between them, shes used to the gap and hes really similar to her brother anyway, both goofy but sweet when they need to be
she definitely really close with her mother, i know its mentioned that they look just like each other, but i think that dialogues universal for the S1 LIs
and her mum owns a salon, right?
thats definitely why she takes such good care of her hair, her mother always did when she was little and encouraged it, complimenting her on it and styling it whenever she wanted
and she worked at the salon when she was a teenager and it was summer, working the front desk or cleaning up, sorting products, that sort of thing
its definitely a different story with her dad, hes pretty traditional and didnt take her coming out very well
it ruined things between them for a while and made it hard for her to visit, she only saw her brother at his place and her mother at the salon, but after LI, if shes with MC, he eases up a bit when he sees how happy they are
shes so open about her sexuality, especially on the show, because she doesn’t want any other kids to feel alone, she knows how much it sucked when she was a teenager
if she ends with MC, her mothers there at the finale and just showers MC in compliments and comments about wedding bells to mess with Talia
and her brother loves teaming up with MC and Jake to tease her
the first time he met Jake, Talia thought they’d get married on the spot cuz they just meshed so well
her dads wary at first, but once its clear that MCs not going anywhere, maybe he catches them talking about him or something and just being vulnerable with each other, which is something Talia never was with him, he starts welcoming MC more, buys her flowers or something the next time they visit and annoys Talia because he didnt get any for her
ive been headcanoning for a while that she has a really big family and an awful relationship with them
her parents got divorced when she was little, maybe 3 or 4, they both remarried, her mom got divorced and remarried again, so she has a ton of half and step siblings, but no full
because there were so many kids in whatever household she was staying in at the time she kinda got lost in the crowd, which is why shes so desperate for attention on the show, she never got any when she was younger
and no matter what happens on the show, her parents dont call her or come to the finale, the only person that says anything is the one step sibling shes close with
they're about the same age, maybe 8 months to a year apart, and were glued to each others side when they were tweens
but they live really far apart and her step sister couldn’t make it to the finale, so they barely see each other which makes them drift apart a bit
if MC runs away with her after the reunion, she gushes to her step sister and they get closer again, to the point that her sister moves in with her for a job a year or two later, maybe right before quarantine if MC doesn’t so they don’t go insane
MC and her sister get on well and always call her Leggy just to watch her get mad, and they’re the only two people that can get her to calm down when shes pissed, her anger being another side effect of being ignored as a kid
the only way she got attention was if she threw a fit, and eventually that frustration just stuck around
but she gets better when she gets closer with her sister again and after the backlash from the show dies down, which it does pretty quickly when her and MC announce their relationship since she was the fan favourite
she never really introduces MC to her family, it just doesn’t make sense to her, but MC drags her along to a few weddings and holiday parties until Allegra’s dad introduces himself to her like its the first time four events in a row
she gives up after that, and Allegra’s perfectly fine with it, she’d rather keep their relationship between them anyway
like Talia, she has the same family dynamic - an older brother and her parents
but her brothers only a year older and their relationship is a lot tenser
her dad always encouraged competition between them - if one got a good mark on an exam, the other was expected to match or do even better, if her brother got an award, Marisol was expected to get it a year later, that sort of thing
she doesn’t really talk with her brother outside of formal or family events, there’s still a lot of tension from their teenage years between them, but Marisol’s too proud to admit it, and her brother is too
and she’d never admit it, but the whole reason she’s in law school is because her father wanted her to, and she was just lucky that she enjoyed it
and again, like Talia, her dad didnt take her attempt at coming out well, he just flat out denied it, told her she’d meet a nice guy and settle down, that is what just a phase, all that shit
neither her mother or brother stuck up for her, which pissed her off a bit and just made things worse
her mother was never that involved in her life, never seemed that interested unless she was getting perfect marks and competing in dance competitions
and because she was so focused on her studies and work, she never had many friends and has honestly always seen them as a waste of time
its why she has no problem shitting on Lottie’s girl code, to her it just never made sense
so most of her friends end up being from the show and MCs friends if they’re together, and shes not big on family events, her immediate family isn’t either
but she is really close to her abuela on her mum’s side and an older cousin on her dad’s who’s gay and shes always related to
she got really excited to introduce MC to them, and her abuela made a whole array of food for Marisol, MC, and her abuelo and her abuela cooed over MC for ages
her cousin bought them drinks and made them tell him stories from the Villa, and afterwards pulled Marisol aside and told her he was proud and approved of MC and it made her really mushy and she hated it, MC wouldn’t let go that she cried in the cab for ages
her brother and her mother were never particularly rude to MC, but her father definitely was cold and distant and disrespectful
she got pretty pissed after that, telling MC off for ever encouraging to go and shouting about why that kind of thing was the exact reason she kept her distance
her and MC definitely has some issues after that for a while, and she shut her dad out until he gave a halfhearted apology, but her cousin and abuelos helped her feel better about her family situation
her parents aren’t together anymore and her mum had custody of her most of her life, even though she struggled to raise her and her sister
she didnt know her dad that well until she was a in her late teens, but regardless of all the lost time, they still have a good relationship
makeup and art was an escape when she was younger, and even when her mother was exhausted after working multiple shifts, she always encouraged her and helped her improve or just told her she loved it
her mum was her biggest supporter when she started the whole influencer thing, and her favourite thing to spend her money on is things for her family, like flowers for when she visits her mum or a new phone for her younger sister
they’re seven years apart, so she never had that close of a relationship with her when she was young, because what 13 year old wants to hang out with their annoying 6 year old sister
but once she got a bit older she started taking her to the movies and shopping to bond and encouraging her own art
her sister loves music, and even if she cant relate to it directly, she always does her best to support her
she even got kassam to make her sister a mixtape after the show and give some tips on mixing, and if MCs a musician she always asks her to give her sister lessons or something
introducing MC to her whole family all at once was one of her favourite things to do, she took them all to dinner and bought MC a dress and everything
her parents loved MC and laughed at all her jokes, and MC nearly joked on her salad at a story her dad was telling
and even though her sister was pretty quiet, she told Elisa how much she liked her afterwards
they all start a family game night that is Elisa’s favourite thing to post about all week, and even though her parents haven’t been together since she was 7 or so, they still get on well and now that her dad’s more comfortable being there even though he’s not with her mum, hes more involved in her sisters life
her job and her Elisabees are crazy important to her, but she’d drop all of it for her family, even if she doesn’t seem super sappy
shes an only child for sure, but with a few cousins shes decently close with
her relationship with her parents isn’t perfect by any means, but she still gets on with them
they encouraged her art even if they made some odd comments about her being alt that rubbed her the wrong way, but they mean well
there was a couple years where Lottie thought they’d get divorced, because they were arguing about finances cuz her mum went back to school and they lost her income, but when she started working as a nurse they were able to get back on track
her dad’s a bloke and loves sports and cars and all that, but hes also big in horror movies and is the one that introduced her to it
her mum hated all the gore, but her dad would let her watch it with him when she was out of the house
she always goes home for Christmas no matter where shes living, but has her own traditions for New Years and Easter
her aunt and uncle always host a big dinner and her dad drives two hours to get there, and she always spends the drive listening to new music and planning new makeup looks to test out
she has a ton of cousins because each of her parents has 4 siblings, but their ages are all so spread out that shes only close with a few of them and swaps stories from the year with three of them
they all lost their shit over MC when she brought her to their Christmas Eve dinner, hugging her way too much in Lottie’s opinion and telling her as many embarrassing stories as they could think of
her mum spent the car ride there trying to connect with MC, and they actually got on pretty well, but her dad seemed to click with MC even more for whatever reason, giving her a beer when they got back to Lottie’s parent’s house and turning on Lottie’s favourite slasher film for background noise while they talked
her dad made MC swear that she’d come back next year, that they weren’t allowed to trade between MC’s family for Christmas and Lottie’s, and MC agreed with a laugh as Lottie’s head was in her lap, watching the movie
she has a huge traditional family
three older brothers, two older sisters, and a younger brother
she grew up in the country and her mother had horses that she always loved to spend time with cuz i love her but she was 100% a horse girl
her parents never had any problems, were always happy and sappy and that was the only type of relationship she saw growing up, so before Love Island she didn’t really understand that relationships could be bad and how to deal with that
two of her older brothers and both of her sisters are married, her brothers and one sister have kids, again super traditional and happy, which only further reinforced these fairy tale ideals she has
she loves her nieces and nephews, but never felt like an aunt, more of an older cousin for whatever reason
her oldest sibling is her brother, they’re 13 years apart and he has four kids already, hes been married since 21
her oldest sister got married the oldest at 25, and shes always been worried she won’t match up to them, which was a huge motivator to go on Love Island
shes closest with her middle sister, who’s 23 with no kids, but she still has a nice house in the suburbs with a big yard, still crazy nuclear
her whole life has been spent around this type of tradition, and it was really hard for her to break out of it after Love Island
Hannah’s youngest brother is still only 15, and hes a bit of a black sheep - hes alt and dyes his hair and draws tattoos on his arms during school, and she was never close with him before Love Island, but after she comes out as some kind of queer, he comes out as gay and nonbinary(he/they) and they get really close for once
he gets in a fight with their parents when they’re 17, and he runs to Hannah’s place, driving multiple hours to get there and moves in with her after a few weeks
they stay with her until they graduate uni with a degree in education, getting a job at a school and telling all their students that his sister was on Love Island and her girlfriend’s really cool
MC and him are her biggest encouragement to break from the mold her family set, both so her relationship can thrive and to be a good role model for her younger sibling
she struggles with fitting in with her stereotypical family and siblings that all have multiple kids and nice houses, but she still loves her little mishmash of MC, her sibling, and the constant friends that cycle through their flat - Lottie, Priya, Chelsea, Gary sometimes even, Ibrahim once or twice as hes on a golf tour
Lottie loves her sibling and sometimes does makeup for them, and Chelsea always shows up unexpected to hang out with MC and redecorate their house but Hannah hates it because she likes all the memories her clutter has, even if MC calls her a hoarder sometimes
she had so many hand me downs growing up that now she has her own place, she loves filling it with things that are for her and MC and only them and has a really hard time letting go of things, always reasoning that they might give her inspiration to write or something
shes an only child too, which made her dad treat her as much like as son as he could
her parents struggled to conceive, so once they used IVF to have her they didnt want to go through it again
her dad was super excited when she was interested in sports and is her biggest fan, always showing up to every single game and driving her to practices before she moved out, though she still doesn’t have a car cuz she hates driving, its too much pressure
her dad would watch games with her and coach her during off seasons, her uncles a football coach and used to get them tickets when he could, sometimes letting her train with his team when she was a teenager
her mum didnt like how hard she pushed herself, but was still supportive of how much she loved it
her mums a mathematician and always helped her with her homework because she awful at maths, while her dad would try and teach her history or edit papers until her mum had to step in and correct him
when she came out as bi and later gay, they didnt even bat an eye, her mum making her pride color cupcakes and her dad maybe even being excited that he could point out cheerleaders when they were watching games
her mum didn’t quite understand when she wanted to go on Love Island, but her dad thought it’d be a laugh and further enforced her “just have fun” attitude
but her parents are both crazy happy when she wins with MC, making a banner when AJ first brings her home
she thought her dad would crush MC when he started hugging her, and her mum made an entire cake, biscuits, cinnamon rolls, and more sweets that she made them take home
her parents always make her and MC come over for dinner on Sundays and she started noticing the extra effort they always went to - her dad actually dressing nice, the house was super clean, the dog always had recently been given a bath
even though she knew her parents supported her, seeing all that really calmed her nerves about bringing home a girl, and made her coming out as a gay a lot easier
MC and her alternate between their family’s for holidays, and her parents each invite their brother and their families every time, and after their third holiday at her parents, they bought her and MC a dog
her and MC definitely have a pretty traditional family life, married after a few years with a nice house, going as far as to adopt a kid or two when AJ stops playing professionally, her parents always closely involved with their grandkids
Disclaimer - I don’t know if Yasmin or Lily make mentions of their family, so I’m just going with what I think
her mother passed when she was 12, and her and her younger sister were raised by her dad
he wasn’t always the best dad, sometimes he struggled to make time for them with work, or sometimes he struggled to connect with them, but it was never anything too bad
she was always super close to her sister and parented her as she was growing up since they have a 9 year difference between them
her sisters her biggest fan and always makes her send demos and work in progresses so she can listen to them on repeat, and whenever Yasmin writes a song specifically for her she loses her mind
all her friends love Yasmin’s solo music and Enchanted Husband and she brags nonstop
Yasmin figured out she liked girls pretty young, around 10 or so, but only came out when she was 17. she didnt want her sister to ever feel alone or isolated if she ended up being queer too, so she tried to always be open about who she was
her dad sat her down when she bought a pride flag and had her explain everything to him step by step, and he gave her some space for a few days, but then he offered to take her to pride when it came around
he doesn’t talk about it with her much, and she knows he doesn’t fully understand, but he offers his support whenever he thinks she needs it
her sister absolutely fangirled over MC the first time she met her, hugging her and not letting go until Yasmin nearly pulled her off MC
her dad hugged her too but was far more reserved, hes quieter like her, and tends to keep his distance, whereas her sister has no problem shrieking and making a scene in a train station
later that night her dad pulls her aside and tells her he likes MC and thinks shes a good fit, and her sister has no problem saying how cool MC is, even when shes in the room
her sister and her dad always ask for tickets when shes touring nearby, and MC always offers to take them to dinner before the show, and the three of them get on better than Yasmin expected
she thought her dad might be too distant or her sister too excitable, but even if she’d never say anything, seeing them all get on makes things easier
when her sister gets older and moves out, their dad moves closer to Yasmin, even though he never says exactly why, and there’s a few years where her sister and her are both to busy to meet up, but MC makes them hang out together and then get dinner with their dad when their all in town
MC tends to be her reminder to slow down, and after that dinner she cancels the rest of her tour and takes a two year break in which her sister starts spending weekends at Yas and MCs, their dad visiting often too
she has three full brothers and shes the only girl, her parents are divorced and her dad remarried while her mother stayed single
she has a step sister from her dad’s remarriage, but they dont have much in common and didnt grow up together, her parents only split when she was 15
two of her brothers are older than her and her oldest is the one shes closest with, with a gap of 7 years between them
hes an engineer and into cars too, he helped her fix up her first car and helped her pay for college
her youngest brother is only a year below her, but they were never close, he was never that interested in playing in the mud when they were kids
hes an art and english double major and still lives with their dad, hes closer with their step sister than Lily, but there’s no bad blood or anything
her other brother is a middle ground, three years older than her
he’s an accountant and used to drive her around before she could herself, they bonded over a few small mutual interests like a tv show they would binge together and just staring a space together since they shared a room, her younger brother and step sister across the hall
her dad wasn’t crazy active in her life and she doesn’t know her step mother, but her mum worked from home when she was younger and had custody on weekends
she babied her younger brother and always scolded Lily for being a tomboy and it bothered her a lot when she was little, until her older brother started encouraging it
her brothers all love MC, even her youngest, and they all try and bond with her in a different way
sometimes Lily goes home just to find a note that one of her brothers took MC to a movie or dinner or somewhere else, and she wants to be annoyed with them for it, but she likes the validation
she never officially came out, so none of them saying anything or criticizing her is really comforting, knowing that something so trivial doesn’t matter
her mum was a little shocked by the show and MC, but she tries to be polite and eventually comes around, inviting MC to go shopping to bond
her dad has no problem, her step mother being a little confused but not concerned, and her step sister doesn’t care, just nods at MC the first time she meets her
Lily tends to keep her distance from her family, especially when her older brothers find partners and start families, but is fine going to events, sometimes its nice to see her brothers and catch up
#can it kc#headcanons#litg talia#litg allegra#litg marisol#litg elisa#litg lottie#litg hannah#litg aj#litg yasmin#litg lily#asks
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Old School X is a project interviewing X-Files fanfic authors who were posting fic during the original run of the show. New interviews are posted every Tuesday.
Interview with Vickie Moseley
Vickie Moseley has 252 stories at Gossamer, some of which have also made their way to AO3. She has obviously contributed a ton to the fandom over the years! I’ve recced some of my favorites of her stories here before, including Giving Thanks, Stunned, and a bunch of post-eps for particular episodes, including “Firewalker” and “Pine Bluff Variant.” Big thanks to Vickie for doing this interview.
Does it surprise you that people are still interested in reading your X-Files fanfics and others that were posted during the original run of the show (1993-2002)?
Not really. Well, actually, it has always surprised me that anyone would read my stories even during the heyday of the series, but that’s my self-consciousness talking. That people are discovering The X-Files is not at all surprising and that they are stumbling on fan fic is a natural extension and I find that wonderful. My husband and I never watched Grimm when it was on network TV and we’re currently going through that series, so it’s the streaming-on-demand-there-isn’t-anything-new-on-TV times we find ourselves.
What do you think of when you think about your X-Files fandom experience? What did you take away from it?
Friendships. I have a group of women that I’ve been friends with for over 20 years. Until this year we gathered in person every year. We are in contact on Facebook messenger all the time and a conversation will start up just out of thin air when we haven’t conversed for months! It’s been wonderful knowing these women from all parts of the country (and the world for that matter).
And strangely enough, medical research. My writing tended to focus on ‘injured Mulder’ (or Mulder Torture as we termed it) and I also liked reading that in fan fic. Two years ago this managed to help me in real life. My husband experienced a bilateral pneumothorax (both lungs collapsed spontaneously). One of my favorite stories that I have read and reread is “Short of Breath” by the incomparable dee_ayy. She did some serious research while writing that story and it’s all in that fan fiction. I’m not saying it’s the same as a medical degree, but I knew what was happening, why the doctors where performing certain procedures and it really eased my mind as we went through the whole experience. I never would have known what was going on if I hadn’t read that story so many times.
Social media didn't really exist during the show's original run. How were you most involved with the X-Files online (atxc, message board, email mailing list, etc.)?
Email was the ‘social media’ for the day. That, and newsfeeds. There were two newsfeeds in the beginning: the official FOX website had a message board, and there was one on ‘alt.tv’ which was an internet newsfeed where fans posted spoilers and discussed episodes. The alt.tv newsfeed got tired of the fan fic writers posting stories so a separate newsfeed was formed just for fan fic. EMXC, which was an AOL mailing list, was invite only and somewhat exclusive at first, but opened up to everyone. When the old OSU (Ohio State University) mailing list turned into Gossamer and Ephemeral, the fandom, and fan fic just skyrocketed.
But what you lived for the most, as a writer, was actual feedback. Emails from people all over who read your story. It was nice to get a quick ‘Hey, read this and really like it!’ but the wonderful emails, the ones you kept in folders on your inbox, were the ones that went into detail, sometimes critical, sometimes grammar related, but always showing where you could improve, or where you touched someone. Every friend I have from the fandom started as feedback, either to me or from me. I’m on AO3 and I appreciate ‘kudos’ but I really love getting comments.
What did you take away from your experience with X-Files fic or with the fandom in general?
Confidence in my writing. I learned a lot from other writers. Constructive feedback was a gift! I may never write the great American novel but I don’t think I’m afraid to give it a shot after all my years in fan fic.
What was it that got you hooked on the X-Files as a show?
They had me at ‘aliens’. I’m a sucker for UFO shows. Was front row center at Close Encounters of the Third Kind, read many of the UFO standards, still watch Ancient Aliens on History Channel. I was waiting for The X-Files based on the tiny blurb in the 1993 Fall Preview Guide from TV Guide.
What got you involved with X-Files fanfic?
I kinda got fired from a job I loved and couldn’t go back into that arena for a long time. I was so depressed I was cleaning out my kitchen cabinets. My husband ‘gave’ me the internet for my birthday just to get me out of the dumps. I went straight to ‘yahoo’ and typed in X Files. After reading all the character bios I saw a ‘hyperlink’ (yes, that’s what we called them in 1995) to something called ‘fan fiction’. It was the OSU tree directory of about 100 fan fiction stories. I was instantly hooked.
What is your relationship like now to X-Files fandom?
I still love the show and all the fans I run across. I was not happy with S8 or S9 but I did watch The Truth. I was on Haven for a while during the reboots (S10 and S11) but it wasn’t the same. I’ve got all the seasons on DVD or blu ray and both movies. When I hear from fans, I’m so happy to connect but I don’t go out and look for new stories anymore.
Were you involved with any fandoms after the X-Files? If so, what was it like compared to X-Files?
None. My heart belongs to Mulder ;)
Who are some of your favorite fictional characters? Why?
Captain Kirk, Spock, Captain Picard, Will Riker, Luke, Han, Leia, Poe, Rae, Kylo at the end. I like strong characters but it’s OK if they have flaws. I’d like to see more strong female leads in science fiction (Gammora and Nebula are favs of mine, too). I love Brea Larson’s portrayal of Captain Marvel!
Do you ever still watch The X-Files or think about Mulder and Scully?
Sure. When the Pandemic hit we started going through the series for maybe the 20th time. It’s nice to watch them on a larger TV screen. Kim Manners was a genius with lighting and showing just enough of the ‘monster’. I suspect he will be better appreciated in the future than he was at the time he was alive.
Do you ever still read X-Files fic? Fic in another fandom?
I still go back and read my favorites from XF. I read Blood Ties by Dawn about once a year, the whole series. I go back and read the Virtual Season X seasons. We had some really good stories in those years.
Do you have any favorite X-Files fanfic stories or authors?
Too many to list! Dawn, of course. Susan Proto (I co-wrote with her), Sally Bahnsen, dee_ayy, Suzanne Bickerstaff’s Magician Series was the first (and only) fantasy I ever truly liked! I loved all my co-writers and there are plenty of writers that I wish we’d gotten around to collaborating.
What is your favorite of your own fics, X-Files and/or otherwise?
I’m proud of Out of the Cold because it’s Mulder before Scully. I’m partial to the Flight Into Egypt series because I like ‘righting’ what I thought Carter got wrong in the end.
Do you think you'll ever write another X-Files story? Or dust off and post an oldie that for whatever reason never made it online?
I keep trying! I’m working (have been working for almost a decade now) on a Flight Into Egypt story set at Christmas. Each fall I drag it out of mothballs, write a paragraph or two and get busy doing Christmas stuff. Funny, but it was easier to find time to write when I was a working mom of 6 than as a retired grandma of 3.
Do you still write fic now? Or other creative work?
I’m putting together a cookbook for my kids and grandkids of all our family recipes. It’s not just the recipes, but the stories behind them. It’s a WIP (work in progress).
Where do you get ideas for stories?
I had a book, just a cheap paperback of unexplained events—all true stories, supposedly—that I got a lot of ideas from. Or, like Carter, I would see something in the news and it would turn into a story. One time I had a dream about our Pur water filter and it turned into a fan fic.
What's the story behind your pen name?
My older sister named me because my Mom and Dad let her. I never used a pen name. That’s my real name, you can google me and find out all about me. I used to have a wiki page or so my kids told me.
Do your friends and family know about your fic and, if so, what have been their reactions?
My kids used to tell their friends that ‘Mom is famous on the internet’ as a joke. Most of my friends know. My other life is in politics and the two lives usually don’t cross but once on a campaign I was asked by a reporter if I was the ‘same’ Vickie Moseley who writes fan fiction. If I had lied, that would have been the story—that I lied about this hobby of mine. Like it was something to be ashamed of or I was ashamed of my writing. So instead of ducking the question I said ‘yeah, have you read any of my stuff?’ Fan fiction was not mentioned in the finished article.
Is there a place online (tumblr, twitter, AO3, etc.) where people can find you and/or your stories now?
I’m on AO3 but only a partial list. My website is still up thanks to Mimic.
Is there anything else you'd like to share with fans of X-Files fic?
Back when I started writing (1995) it was a sort of commune. We all loved reading fan fiction, we didn’t want the story to end with the credits. So if you wanted to read, you were encouraged to write, too, so that others had stories to read and share. It was a cooperative arrangement very much like the old Literary Societies back in the 19th Century. I really miss that, so I hope that on some level that is still going on.
(Posted by Lilydale on November 10, 2020)
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